
You're seeing this a lot on the "farewell tour". Guys have been bring him gifts up to the booth all year. David Ortiz stopped by recently to pay his respects.

Guessing it'll be Charlie Steiner and Rick Monday. They're no Vin but they are pretty good.

Even though I'm 3 1/2 hours north of Dodger stadium every time I hear "Hi, everybody, and a very pleasant good evening to you, wherever you may be" it makes me feel like I'm sitting up in the bleachers.

* Up 2 games after last night.

And if they do make it to the Series (been holding my breath for 28 years so far) hopefully Fox can work something out like ABC did with Craig Seager and let Vin call a game.

One thing I love about listening to Vin is that he gets out of the way during the big moments. Instead of screaming like a loon like John Sterling on a walk off homerun, he drops out and lets the crowed noise bring you into the stadium with him. Very old school.

He's a real pro.

At the end of the video it says that standing on the top bar is now illegal and that's why the move is banned.

An OTA DVR might work best for you. The Tablo works pretty good.

Big Hang fan here.

Yeah they are kind of lame but I don't care. My buddy won tickets to one of their shows in 97 at a high school auditorium about an hour from town. I had a car and he had an extra ticket so I gave him a ride. We ended up hanging out with them after the show for about 45 minutes and they were super cool. It was

They had no issues with that. I noticed the same thing happened when South Park came out. They would post a guard at the door of the movie and verify tickets/IDs. There was nobody guarding the Jerry Maguire door.

I took a girl to see this the original Scream when I was 16 and it was the only time in my entire life that I was carded trying to get into a movie. Of course we weren't let in and had to settle for Jerry Maguire instead.

Where did my mind go? I've apparently lost it.

My uncle is in a traditional ska band that still plays on occasion, they've played with Hepcat and Let's Go Bowling a few times. I remember him hating it when Sublime got really big. He would preach for hours about how No Doubt and Sublime stopped being ska right before they blew up.

Back in 2002 I was having a beer outside a bar in San Diego when Brian Setzer walks up with one of the hottest girls I've ever seen. One of the guys I'm with is super into swing/ska, still wearing his Doc Martins 10 years after anybody else. He starts telling Brian about how much he admires him and loves his music.

Nothing was more frustrating to 9 year old me than this and the Ninja Turtles game. I probably played these games off and on for the next 4-5 years and can't recall getting past the first couple levels on either.

Yeah, I drove an old stick shift pickup truck at the time and it was tough.

Reminds me of the summer I broke my hand and then had to wipe left handed for the next 2 months. Hilarious!

There was certainly plenty of Gili backlash.