
"If you are afraid of bears, why are you on this show?"

I've spent hours online trying to find it. I even found some guy that has a pretty substantial list of recordings but not the one I'm looking for.

The last time I taped something was in 2003 when I was in the audience of the Price is Right and got to high five Bob as he was walking up to the stage. Sadly my 20+ year old VCR ultimately ate the tape and that moment is lost forever.

I could listen to that RnRHOF clip all day. Gives me chills.

I had a friend recommend this show to be before. We are no longer friends.

I always said there was too much Lincoln in Lincoln.

Who let this guy in?

Oh that's right. Totally makes sense now.

The Spartan virus thing seemed odd to me. So it would effect anyone vaccinated in the United States from the 50s-1972 and their descendants? So anyone who immigrated here after that would not be effected?

Maybe she mentioned that Jake was driving around in a "f***** car."

Wait for the entire series to run and then sign up for a free trial.

I didn't think I ever really wore anything as a high school student in the 90s that seems seriously dated now until I found a picture of myself wearing a "No Fear" hat the other day. Jesus.

It's Kazaam!, please show some respect where it is due.

It's a phone, AND a football!!!

I was a little surprised that the dick jokes made it past the censors. Especially the "gas squirting" line.

Sarah Hyland though.

I call BS. Marco Polo has yet to hook anybody.

Yeah, that is a lame party favor for a 4-5 year old. I'm sure the other parents talked some shit on the way home. Just stick with a pinata.

Sounds like you tried too hard to force your tastes on your children. My daughter has her music, I have mine. In the car and around the house I play my music, if she likes it that's just a bonus. She can listen to her stuff in her room. Occasionally I'll play One Direction in the car for her but only on very short

Came here to say the same thing. He's a friend first, a boss second, and probably an entertainer third.