
Anyone order a Loveburger? Well done?

So that's what Gallagher has been up to.

Tell Ted Cruz that Jesus was a liberal and watch his face melt.

I have to go with team Adam F. Goldberg since he is a regular AV Club commenter on The Goldbergs TV recaps.

He's always the guy that got his ass kicked in Dazed and Confused to me. "Someone's tokin' some reefer."

Network TV: "This is my design."

I think if you would put it on a graph you would see a drop off around the time they started giving Luke more lines rather than just let him be a dopey, bordering on moronic kid.

That's the one from the early seasons that I probably enjoy the most. When he has to escape out the window and climb down the side of the building in that costume was a highlight for me.


"Saving Silverman is awful and not particularly kind to women, but props to Diamond for parodying himself."

The brother didn't seem to have any problem with it. He had that I'm gonna bang you so hard when no one's home look to him.

My little brother and I loved this show and used to set up our own Gladiator Arena throughout the house and back yard. It was all fun and games until we tried playing Joust on a couple of bar stools with pillows and ended up breaking the ceiling fan in the living room. Sorry mom.

It's a common misconception that all taco trucks are dirty. You find a good one and stick with it. I know the guy running the truck down the street from me takes more pride in his business than the 16 year old jack offs working the line at Taco Bell.

Sorry, as a Californian with a taqueria or taco truck around every corner I just can't justify ever going to Taco Bell unless I'm trying to give myself diarrhea.


Taco Bell is pretty much the worst.

I've heard from many foreign visitors that they hate root beer and say it tastes like medicine. It's truly an American thing.

So somebody's going to go back in time for the purpose of stopping Buck Cherry? I would have gone on at least another 20 years not even remembering those guys if it weren't for this article. What a waste. What about going back and time and stopping "The Rachel" so I would never have had to hear the term "The Rachel"?

Babe? Seriously?

Yeah I was in Michigan over 2 years during the Shaq/Kobe championship run. Going to bed at 1 AM every other night began to take a toll since I had to be at work at 6. Also, having to wait for MNF to start at 9 when I had been used to it starting right after I got home from work was frustrating. My favorite thing