
I had to laugh the other day when I was buying a DVD player for my 5 year old for $19.99, thinking about the $600 I dropped on my first one back in Summer 98.

That's where everything comes on at 7 right? Being a west coast sports fan the 2 years I spent in Michigan were the worst.

I usually tend to group the Abbey Road "Medley" songs together as one long song, since that's how I always listen to them.

It's even more astonishing to consider that everything they ever made was done over the course of 9 years.

Great lists by both the staff and the commenters. Coming up with a list like this is a near impossible task. People ask me what my favorite Beatles album is and I have to say I don't know most of the time. You could make an argument for each one from Help! on. After reading this article I'm looking forward to my 3

From what I understand, Shayamalan's involvement ends with the first episode. Chad Hodge is the showrunner.

Well, we'll see. They said the same thing about Under the Dome.

Adam, I heard Wendi McLendon-Covey on Howard Stern's wrap-up show the other day talking about the possibility of a Stern show tie-in some time and I think that would be great. Adam attempting phony phone calls or some 80s radio stunt would be pretty funny. Though I don't know if you could get Howard to guest star.

“You two arguing over who’s your favorite Other?”

I only attempted to watch this movie once, while I was tripping balls on mushrooms. Made it about 30 min in before it freaked me the F out and had to turn it off. I remember yelling at my roommates to change it to Sports Center so that I could see something "real". Never touched the stuff again.

Conception was never an issue, it was the mothers dying shortly after.

Haha, that was great. Sort of reminded me of when Ben on Parks and Rec spent 3 weeks making his 3 second claymation ("claymash") video.

Don't forget Cal Tech.

Yeah, either Bradley or Ted Chaough are going to be buried under that pool by next week.

Razzle Dazzle!

Who knows. A real Californian wouldn't be caught dead at a Green Burrito or Taco Bell.

They are called Green Burrito at the Carl's in California. And it is pretty much the worst.

What about people that say "seen" instead of "saw"?

How dare you.

I immediately thought of him playing the air bass and have watched that Scrubs clip on YouTube no less than 10 times since last night.