Mr. Pootis Brights

10 countries that blocked Youtube for some stupid shit.

Being responsible is nothing to be ashamed of.

The amount of people in this video who are willing to fuck around near train tracks is infuriating.

Seems a little silly to give it a "NO" when most of us don't have the luxury of having access to the original on 3DS. Yet another example of why this review system needs to die in a fire.

See, now THIS is when a Twitch Plays becomes interesting. The only thing missing is customizing them to have their TPP names (not nicknames, but actual names)

Despite Super Luigi U being a co-op game, it seems everyone would rather watch TV than play it with Luigi.

Lol at 93% piracy rate in China.

Always a classic.

I just want it to happen. I'm not claiming I know how to get it to happen. Calm down, kid. lol

He could sell it and donate the proceeds to a worthy charity. But no one would put his name in headlines over that, now would they?


Get over here you big.....ow.

Like you who wastes their time with a silly meaningless comment such as you have typed up

Yet you clicked and even posted. You're no better apparently.

Use that intel to make a new Metroid side-scroller, maybe?


So you're saying your friend can't play a game while you play another game..... that's dumb!!!!