Vote: LastPass
Vote: LastPass
it's like milking someone's back boob.
That was nasty and awesome at the same time.
Evolving Species? Probably Not
We all love watching Eren and the gang swing around in Attack On Titan, but what would happen if you added Spider-Man…
Well, this is all the more reason to support solar and wind over coal and oil.
Very professional not sighting the original source. Ashen's reviews are fantastic.
Amen! I recognized the sofa, clicked and not a mention at all of Ashens?
To be fair, hexagons are pretty damn sexy.
Yeah what the hell.. I opened this article because I recognized the sofa, hoping that Ashens was finally getting some well deserved recognition.
Ah c'mon ..give Stuart Ashens of ashens.com fame credit on that as well (seeing as they're pretty much just screen grabs from his channel (and he's a talented and also genuinely nice bloke for not suing me that time I did the parody video of his sofa reviews ;))
he also made this professional comment before editing it
Oh him? He was a decent commenter at first, but his schtick grew old fast.
It's the gaming equivalent of sea monkeys bought from the back of Boys Life. Far from all they're made out to be, but not completely without merit either. But if we're honest we feel duped.
When did DICE ever say they weren't charging for DLC maps? DICE and Battlefield have a long long history of expansions packs.
I wonder why I headlined this "Reminder..."
If you don't like it, don't scream at the top of your throat that it's "killing video games". I would like to see the world in first-person. This mod sounds awesome for people like me.
Still doesn't excuse it being an unoptimized port, when the game has stuttering issues on even hardware FAR above what the consoles can output.
No "Attack on Gaben" video? I'm a little disappointed, but I can fix that: