*get off my lawn* You're right though, as annoying as the questions can be, one doesn't need to be a little shit about them!
*get off my lawn* You're right though, as annoying as the questions can be, one doesn't need to be a little shit about them!
I agree. This seemed bratty to me rather than brilliant. It's not that horrible to make polite conversation with people you see maybe once a year. So what if great-aunt Josephine and third cousin Paul ask the same questions, just answer and move on, don't act like you're too good for a simple question.
Teen snark is not as funny as teen thinks it is. People ask these questions because they want to interact with you, and this is an easy, safe way to do it. Your time would be better spent learning how to make polite conversation. I joked about doing the same thing when I was a teen/young adult, but I didn't, because I…
needing to cancel Xmas means you have fucked up with parenting to produce such entitled children. No shortcuts to parenting, a lot of work everyday... not just doing drastic stuff when the situation becomes too bad to ignore.
I would actually argue against the view that the Virgin is 'untainted' and thus best suited.
I hope those coats are fake. I would hate to think animals had to die to make something so ugly. Same goes for all the cardboard boxes that make up that Tree.
There do happen to be a lot of feminists out there who are Christians. You would never know it from reading this site around Christmas however (or the piece on Good Friday about rejecting religion). Religious skepticism is not required to be feminist. I don't object to these articles appearing on this site (there…
This is why I'm baffled by stories of girls and women sympathetic to this group trying to get their asses over their.
American soldiers sell young women into sex slavery, huh? Is it possible to be critical of one's own country without resorting to ludicrous false equivalences like this?
They kidnap hundreds of prepubescent girls and force them into sham marriages? When did this happen?
sweet jesus, finally.
Jesus Fucking Christ. There's no way I can eloquently express just how awful this is.
I looked her on up on Wikipedia, because I am cool like that.
She's 24. She moved to the U.S. when she was 16 to pursue a career, and she's been in some form of entertainment-based work ever since. What are the odds that critical thinking is a part of the home-schooling curricula for budding models and performers?
You know, before Jezebel starts its Iggy Article Love-to-Hate-fest I really didn't know much about her. After a couple articles I decided I really didn't like her.
I really don't understand the hate towards Iggy Azalea. What is she doing differently than Elvis Presley, or anyone who has been influenced by another culture? Is there only room in the world for one female rapper? If Missy Elliot was still in her heyday, I'm sure she still be quite successful with or without Iggy…
Iggy Azalea sucks, but.... Yeah, this is a seriously messed up way of 'punishing' her. It only works if we assume that the sex tape is showing her doing something 'wrong' or 'shameful'. She's just having private consensual sex. It has nothing to do with her racism.
That they're comparing Iggy's (supposed) sex tape to Bill Cosby drugging and raping multiple women over decades is appalling.
Really bad comparisons here. Those were grown men who should be charged court. These are two severely mentally ill 12-year-old girls who should be processed in juvenile court and given therapy.
Moor didn't necessarily mean black people. It was a catch-all term for Arabian Muslims, so technically you could have moors that were light and moors that were dark. Othello, who is usually portrayed as black (or blackface), could have been played by a light skinned man. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moors
Yes, there are some black pupi Siciliani. But many of the "moor" characters are the same color as their Frankish knight foes. These puppets on the left, for example, are all moors. (This makes sense given that "moors" were not necessarily black: the so-called "moors" that southern Europe was fighting in the 9th-15th…