WTF is the Internet

she’s a terrible cop: she beat a suspect in custody, she lost her gun and nearly died, she had no idea her partner was dirty, she lost her phone and got her witness killed, i don’t remember a single arrest that stuck. did she accomplish anything at all?

Misty is great, but it’s too bad they basically completely stripped her of her power, intelligence and agency for bullshit plot point reasons.

I have a question for other people who have watched this, is Misty supposed to be kind of lame person? It seems like sometimes she’s trying to be tough for the sake of looking tough, or throw out a snappy one liner as someone is walking away, and they don’t land, but it happens in a way that seems like that is how it

I felt like the whole last half of the season felt “pushed around by the plot”. Characters started doing things just because the plot needed them to, not because of any actual motivations. Diamondback was the worst of it, but everyone suffered.’s Claire. Everything is Claire.

Lost your mind, Evan. She was one of the worse actors of the bunch. Especially after two incidents happened. One being after the club incident then running into a person later in the barbershop. Then later running into someone who caught her offguard. (Trying not to give up what happen. Just don’t know how to word it