
I remember in high school my graphic design teacher had us watch this in class, then we all had to make our own so we could make our own vid. IT was so much fun, but I lost that floppy... and the cd long ago...

Oh I want video game tattoos, just can’t settle on who and what style.

I wonder if the couple who met via final fantasy know the couple from an old Ask Dr. Nerdlove letter lol

I always associated the “thickness” with the corn syrup they use in place of cane sugar. IT’s why I’ll drink the throw-back Mt. Dew when I can. (Tho I drink diet colas because I’m allergic to corn. I miss by 2-litre of dew a day in college XD)

Indirect barfbag...

Oh man.. FFIX. My mum let me stay up late because I had JUST gotten to the final Kuja battle. I was STOKED! So I beat him was all happy.. then.. surprise boss I had no idea about. I had saved at the last save point so when mum said nope, bed time, I was good,. backed out of the game. Checked the card, it was there.

I’ll probably repost this on sat. In one of the open forums but this is bugging me too much.

Blah. My general anxiety and depression have finally gotten so out of hand I purged every social app off of my phone the other night while sobbing because I just can’t take it anymore. Worse, I work at a newspaper so I can’t just cut ALL media out because I work where it’s reported :(

I really think it’s the idea of a magical 4+ year old...

I loathe sesame seeds... but that’s because my self, mum and two out of three sisters are all super allergic. Epipens are a must lol.

Why does her head look too big for her body? Is it the camera angle?

sooo... shadowlands is coming out early then...? lol

I”m still undecided about my back piece and or doing a neck to shoulder to mid to lower back thing... lol

That feeling of finally *doing* something is so true. My anxiety and depression have been amped up like crazy because I can’t control this.

I use to eat stickers. I have no idea why either. I use to collect them, and while the scented food ones make “sense”, the weird foil glitter ones do not lol.

Wait.. she was an otaku... fuck.. we didn’t do her justice...

Neighbors weird scarecrow. Scared the crap outta me when I got home one night lol

“What’s that?!”

Oh man... Late to this but quickly said-