marcus m

This is a fantastic take and fuck those people saying shit like “that’s a big yikes from me, dog.”

My mom thought just like DeVito — she told my dad, “I’m just gonna’ put you out on the curb and call for an extra pickup.” Dad was not amused.

Funny you said that. I was trying to find a specific podcast and accidentally stumbled on American Scandal, specifically the season titled New York State of Crime. They could have used many, many more examples but this specific series focused on Spitzer, Sheldon Silver, and Dean Skelos.

Look, I’m glad whenever anyone tries to sue Disney, but everyone’s a villain here.

That was my exact series of thoughts clicking on this. I totally expected some dumb inflated drama but fucking WOW. 

I’ve never seen The Good Place

Me neither; at my school, we were all just hoping to make 60-70k a year so we could start paying back our hellacious student loans. I guess that’s why people fight to go to Yale...though ugh, this isn’t the first or thousandth thing I’ve heard about poisonous culture in top schools.

Most people have never encountered a bear but know better than to be the keyboard expert saying this was not so dangerous. Especially when zoo and park experts quoted in the coverage are like please never do this under any circumstances.

She’s totally right. It’s the same reason why, whenever I want to learn about Andre the Giant, I just fly to Stamford, CT and go look at his statue at Titan Towers rather than sit on my couch and watch his matches.

I mean...She. DID. That!

LOL, never ends with this show.

Some people don’t realize how real this is. I have a buddy who is black (I’m west indian brown) and who wing mans me all the time but is terrible when it comes to be being my wing man with black women. He isn’t interested in them and the ladies aren’t in him and can see his BS. It’s something to see. Personally I’ve

No, really, post twenty-five more times about how you didn’t find a joke funny. It really accomplishes something, each and every time.

They are well trained, just not in responsible policing... mostly in violating people’s rights without consequence.