
It's Australia. They *do* use real phones in those displays. And yes they do have really dumb marketing guys. That's why Australian retail is supposed to be struggling these days.

They don't really spring back to shape again... esp the older notes.

"Peking" is close to the Cantonese Chinese pronounciation of "Beijing", which is the Mandarin Chinese pronounciation. This just means the Brits who first encountered Chinese probably encountered southern chinese (ie. someone from what is now the Guangdong province) and picked up the name of China's capital there.

Dude, none of the "comparisons" in that image are for the Galaxy Tab 10.1. And comparing power plugs is lame... if it's going to be distributed in the US, of course it's going to have a US-shaped power plug!

He's speaking English with a Japanese accent. Just because he doesn't speak American doesn't mean he doesn't know English.

Uh ok, so "every" iOS app is only optimised for the "high res" iPad2 and not the iPhone 4? Not sure why you bothered linking that Anandtech benchmark.

I can't read french, but apparently it's "Billions of bilious blue blistering barnacles" according to wikipedia.

*yawn*... let me know when they make a case that actually protects the most important part of the phone, ie. the screen.

@epitomic: There are a lot of iPhones in HK (was just there recently), but I wouldn't say that there's an overwhelming number though... still see quite a few people with Nokia's on the subway.

That's probably how we look like if/when we see aliens flying by in their ufo's.

@Magnetism: hmm... I guess it's like how people like to blame games when something violent happens.

Huh? You could've just taught your parents to "tap" the power button and put a postit note on their monitor. Satire fail.

@tfires: they probably couldn't make the entire can red or it'd just look like coca cola.

@jblues: I'm asian and so is my wife. It's not the rice that makes you fat, it's an irregular unbalanced diet, heavy snacking between meals and the lack of exercise that makes you fat.

is it just me or is that pixelated lady in bed shot more sexy than if it wasn't pixelated?

@onaclov2000: Article needs to be updated. Rovio is not referring to the "new" G2, they're referring to the HTC Hero, which was known as the G2 in Europe, and myTouch in the US.

@OGHowie: Yes it's a defense. If you bought a car from a 2nd hand car dealer and that car turns out to be stolen, how can you be guilty of stealing?

@stevenajohnson: +1. that sentence could easily apply to the iPad... it's impossible to hold properly with two hands in portait mode to type with thumbs because it's too heavy and the 10" screen is too big to do that anyways, meaning you have to poke at the keyboard one finger at a time.