
Yes, why send all that truck traffic through major metro’s? Trucking has to happen at some point, inland allows you to spread the operations out optimize truck traffic and reduce trucks idling in traffic.

Instead of wasting money on a bullet train Californian’s should have been adding rail to these ports and developing an inland hub/port where land is cheap and its been obvious for decades

I gladly await the end of 2 stroke leaf blowers.

Keep trying to cancel Dave. It isn’t happening.

I don’t see how anyone who actually watched The Closer, could be legitimately mad at Dave by the end.

Nothing. They are slow, mpg is poor, dodge reliability, not great looking,. They are meh 

nah, I’m not a fan of pickups in general (thought the bigman costume bit sold that fact). Hideous? meh maybe. Garganutan maybe. Never said they were beautiful.

I like Teslas. I’d be happy to have one. BUT, the cyber truck is stupid.

Not sure why but drivers seem to see small cars as always slow, always in the way, undeserving of the road and in need of intimidation, perhaps even subliminally. I think the size issue may also extend to motorcyclists and bicyclist.

Nope. MS has been screwing up in browsers for decades now. I’m not rewarding them regardless of what they do.

Given this video and the one from last week I’m convinced that autopilot doesn’t know how to apply the brakes.

Bad Take.

+1 SpongMonkey

Excellent post. Prop 13 has had disastrous consequences.

So is “Trump is a bankrupt conman” but he still got elected.

I hadn’t heard that. Glad I haven’t marked my ballot yet. I still think she would be a better president. Its going to be an interesting few weeks leading up to super Tuesday.

I like Warren better as president (and in general). I think Bernie is more likely to get there.

This exactly. I love Warren. Was hoping she would run back in 2016. The caving in on health care was bad. The “leak” to CNN about Bernie’s supposed comments just before a debate also hosted by CNN was a sign of a larger character/judgement issues. It was desperate.

Seems extreme. correct.

Star for good citizenship and spreading the word. Now I can remove 1 negative from buying a GM product (didn’t know you could turn it off).