
That is my single favorite moment in all of Newsradio. It’s fucking perfect.

Everything about the cane episode is just magical.

You mean a Hammeo?

You know, shit on U2's music all you want. If you’d gone with a “haven’t Ukrainians suffered enough” type of snark, no problem. It’s what this website does. But Bono and Co. have actually saved millions of lives over the years with their human rights advocacy. That’s no exaggeration. So snark over that part of their

I don’t know, I think the least they could do is release an album directly on to the phones of Putin and his cronies

I’d say it was several years too late :(

And necessary.

Big Homophobia? How about Big Bestiality?

There’s another way Disney World is like Vatican City. Neither is a place you want to leave kids unattended.

This is a reward, not a punishment.

It’s “*thou* tedious little shit,” since we’re being so careful about our singular pronouns and all.

You tedious little shit.


It’s as witty and interesting as the songs he writes.

Funny, I’m not the one who sounds like an incel in this thread

I know it's fun to snark, but honestly, this new season of Pen15 looks great.

Goo was solid for a major-label debut, but putting it at #1 is ridiculous. Not as ridiculous as putting Daydream Nation at #2; seems like a clear editorial directive to not do the predictable (but correct) thing and put it at #1. Dirty at #6 is a bad choice as well, but I guess it was the first time people saw SY on

Never forget Kanye loves fish sticks.

I feel like that was the last time Kanye had anything sensible to say.