

WTF is he saying? Someone make him talk backwards again!

If I was there when that happened, I'd sue—not because I care that a priest is watching gay porn, but because my wife's laughter would cause her to have a coronary and die, and nobody kills my wife but me, dammit.

Sanderson's writing is pure gold (heh) in my book. I loved the Mistborn series, and have a warm copy of his latest waiting inside my Nook right now. Getting a prequel video game on top of that is great news.

Just when I thought my interest in the Wii U was dead and buried, somebody comes along and makes it dead and burieder.

Ah, thank you, sir! I was going to pull the trigger on Steam, but nice to know I get the bonus installer from the devs.

Your metaphor is flawed. Inventing a viable, affordable and ecologically responsible alternative to fossil fuels is not something that can be done with a simple, mechanical redesign, like your refrigerator example. Yes, the refrigerator manufacturers in your example were being assholes by not undertaking the minimal

Yes, I love watching my movies through saturation-killing polarized glasses. Die, 3D. Die.

I'd argue that the resolution for the controller gap problem is to support proper FPS controls on consoles, not to try and kluge sub-standard console controllers into the mix.

As far as I'm concerned, the Mass Effect series is the gold standard for video game soundtracks. It's broad in emotional scope, and never fails to resonate with the situation.

You guys killed it with the music in ME2. It's one of my favorite pieces to listen to while working. Keep up the great work!!

That is sure a sweet track. Going to have to grab that one, thx!

I imagine that all of the music tracks from ME3 are extractable from your hard drive if you're using a PC version.

There were a lot of video clips in there that I didn't recognize, particularly the ones of Thane and Ashley. Were those in ME2?? How did I miss those on my four play-throughs? I didn't think Ashley was in more than the first Collector encounter on the colony world.

i'm running two EVGA 560GTX Classifieds in SLI, and the Uningine benchmark at 1920x1080 is 82fps. Battlefield 3 is running on everything ultra at the same resolution over 80fps with vsynch off. I bought both cards for ~$500.

I've said before of Eve/Dust 514 that it is the next logical step in online gaming: platform independence. You should be able to play on a PS3, Xbox, or PC against players from any other platform when the title is multiplatform. Microsoft, and to a lesser extent Sony, detests that this is going to happen and lose them

If that's true, then that's great, but most games run on the ps3 at 30fps if they're running 1080p. Unreal Tournament 3 was like that, and boasted kb+mouse support, and I tried it. It was horrible. The mouse lag was so ridiculous that I quit playing after a single sitting.

Absolutely, positively agreed. Really, who's their audience for EVE? PC PLAYERS. *sigh*

That cover of Immigrant Song kicks ass and all, but they really should have picked a different track to background this trailer. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo's intro is probably the best movie intro of all time, IMO. Trying to copy it just makes this look weak by comparison.