W. Somerset's Maugham

Of course he’s full of shit, every single thing he says is a stupid lie. He’ll never debate Clinton in any kind of real neutral setting, he’ll only do it if he can arrange for a moronic circus scene full of screeching idiots who roar over his spastic twitching and dopey insults. He’s a grade-A coward, a sleazy punk, a

Yes, because Trump’s voice is sweet, gentle and music to the ears. He never raises his voice. And he smiles constantly! So it’s completely fair to expect the same of Hillary.

If he honestly believes that she was communicating state secrets and confidential information in those emails HOW THE FUCK IS HE GOING TO STAND THERE AND HOPE THE DETAILS ARE HELD BY A FOREIGN GOVERNMENT.

No, the ACA ended up as watered down as it was because we had to get it through a still-hostile Congress that contained too many Republicans. It’s far from perfect, but it can be improved. And nobody has worked harder to achieve even that small victor you than Hilllary.

If she were behind a McDonalds counter taking orders or asking directions instead of addressing the RNC, Conservatives would be screaming for her to learn to speak English.

And yet she claimed, “I wrote it myself” to Matt Lauer. Neither she nor Trump seem capable of holding to a lie for more than five minutes. So far I’ve heard (her say) that she wrote it herself, that she spent 5-6 days with speechwriters, and that she’s been working on it for 6 weeks. By tomorrow they’ll likely claim

Melania moved to New York in 1996 and has been immersed in only English ever since. That’s 20 years of language immersion. I guarantee if you moved to Slovenia and never heard English again that in 20 years you’d be pretty damn comfortable in Slovenian.

I’m not impressed with that argument. English wasn’t my mother’s native language (it was German), but she managed to go through both college and law school within five years of her arrival in 1943. Melania’s been here a lot longer than that, and claims to be fluent.

I’m more disappointed in other Americans than I am disgusted with Trump. That anyone takes him seriously hurts me. Every word out of Trump’s supporters’ mouths make me sadder that this is the country I call home, and these are the people I call my fellow citizens.

TayTo might be the best celebrity mash up name I've ever heard.

I have no doubt the tabloids will say she is 5 months along with Hiddleston’s baby. It is like they have never seen a woman exhale or drink a soda.

not about this case, but it still applies:

And just look at her here. A simple outfit, and she really rocks it. They are soooo stupid.

*jinni madly googles Berocca*

It;s the same ignorance that had people demanding planned parenthood be shut down. The same ignorance that made up the hashtag #alllivesmatter and #bluelivesmatter. The same ignorance that protested chemtrails and Jade Helm and that Mexicans were the reason white people had no more jobs. This ignorance was a political

Hate crime? No, all they can offer up is it’s all Obama’s fault for not saying the words “radical Islamic terror” because those magic words will finally stop the senseless killings.

Every Republican politician was offering up their useless “thoughts and prayers” on Twitter, and not a single (SINGLE) one acknowledged this was an attack on LGBT people. Not. A. Single. One. They’re erasing LGBT people from their own tragedy.

Donald Trump is truly evil.

if she said - “take off your pants”, it might be equivalent. dudes don’t have boobs. dudes taking off their shirts is not the same sexually as chicks taking off their shirts.

He has a history of attacking women in his life? I think the reason so many people are shocked and disbelieving is that he DOESN’T have a history of attacking women. He has said he has rages and busted up a hotel room 20 or 30 years ago but attacking women in his life? No evidence of that at all. In fact three women