Krusty Krab

At this point it’d be more cost-effective to just raise the tax. It’d be good to the society too, since the limited public safety resource can actually be used toward public safety.

slavish adherence to literal rules

There are people that $128 is completely meaningless too...but they’re not reading our comments on this blog.

What the officer meant was that $128 isn’t a lot of money for the police department. They want more; but they are letting you off easy because $128 is what they are allowed to take under the law.

Doesn’t work on my barebone Miata. Door locks are fully manual.

There are definitely ways to shut down the engine without causing major safety issue. You flash a giant warning on the dashboard, start a 5-minute count down; after 1 minute, car enters “Reduced Performance” mode, limiting top speed to 65mph; after 2 minutes, top speed drops down to 50mph; after 3 minutes, 40mph;

The devil is in the detail. We don’t know. It could be like you said, Musk wants to cut off the supply to competitors; but it could also be other things. For example, a critical component for the upcoming Model 3 requires a lot of work from this branch, and Tesla obviously needs it done urgently. The model 3 is really

Good. There is no need for the SLCheap when you have AMG GT.

You have to define a minimal area in order to make a meaningful claim. Otherwise the small area under my SUV has higher concentration of V8s.

Well, Simon had it coming. There were 4 other rabbits, who were employees of United Airline that needed those crates. 3 other rabbits gave up their space without a fight. But Simon resisted violently; he was allegedly threatening the security with his powerful hind legs. They had no choice but to put him down.

True. Most cyclists that I encountered in the past are considerate to other traffic sharing the road. But there are also definitely the few who ride like they own the road, like the one who moved next to the double yellow line to block me from passing, on an uphill nevertheless.

What’d this guy do to deserve such treatment?

The Ultimate Safe Driving Machine will eventually stop selling you a car. Can’t get hurt driving car if you don’t have one; can’t get a car stolen from you if you don’t have one either. Take it a step further, let’s ban babies; if a baby is never born, he/she will never be in danger.

That’s actually not a bad idea at all. If I shop at Target, I don’t pay until the last moment; if I eat at a restaurant, I don’t pay until the food is in my stomach; why do I have to pay ahead of time for a seat on an airplane?

Completely agree that passengers can be assholes. But the thing is, being a flight attendant is no different than any other customer-facing job, be it a cashier at Macy’s, or a sales guy at the carpet store, or a waiter at a restaurant. Any and every customer-facing jobs will have its share of asshole customers; yet

Hindsight is 20/20; but what do we really expect by giving the flight crew almost unlimited authority over the passengers? Do we expect them to NOT abuse that authority?

I don’t get why isn’t the flood of refuge heading for South Korea instead? Same language, same culture, plus no big ass river to swim across.

Why? Why is it OK to settle criminal charge with money?

The end result is that if you make money legally, you will be found guilty for enabling thieves.