
As the owner of what they will call a non traditional lowrider I fully embrace this culture. My first car back in the early 90s was soon custom painted with hydraulics and have enjoyed cars built like this ever since. I escape most of the bad stereotype because my car bridges the gap between 60s Kustom and lowrider. I

Crashing when leaving cars and coffee events

I lived in the southwest for a few years and know lowriding is exactly what I think it is. Car guys loving cars older than they are, putting every spare dime and spare moment, fixing up, washing, polishing, cruising and hanging with fellow car guys while listening to the oldies.

That is what happens when you elect a Democrat that gives no fucks about their constituents. They taxed the dogshit out of their residents to fund their identity politics agenda and now the infrastructure is so fucked they don’t have the money to fix it. Also allowing for manufacturing to move overseas brought this


Endangering pedestrians.

Losing to Camaro owners! ;)

It could be Mercedes parts and service costs bad. The purchase price is just beginning.

Something something ...nothing more expensive than a cheap European car... something something something..

Don’t even need to read it. Stanced = CP. I don’t care what it costs.


When you’re coming up on someone on the highway, and they’re too afraid to use cruise control, and instead of being steady with their foot, their speed fluctuates between 65-85, and I’m forced to pass you 6 times because every time I pass you, you speed up top 85 and then pass me and then slow down to 65, or I’m stuck

Lights off when it’s raining. Even if the visibility doesn’t 100% necessitate it, if someone doesn’t abide by the “wipers on, lights on” rule they’re most likely a bad driver.

Your outlook on the value of these cars is skewed. MR2's are extremely desirable, and that pushes their price up. He would be easily in NP category if not for the CEL and exahust.

I’m amazed by how many people I know think the new Bronco will actually look like this:

I don’t hate this.

While we’re on the subject... THIS is never going to happen.

LOL... any real car enthusiast know’s this rendering is BS. It’s the regular people out there who have no clue.....

Because the budget is allocated for the 4 door Vette /

Good thing your opinion literally could not matter any less. Please, just go home. You’re welcome to stay but it will be nicer with you gone.