
When I first saw this, my first thought was the sign was only there to keep all the 1000s of visitors from knocking it over. Usually when something is on display, if there is not a do not touch sign, someone will always end up knocking it over. If it was really a critcal piece that shouldnt be touched. It wouldnt be

I think the bigger issue is what wont the liberals find to worry about.

Damn leftwing hipsters. Quit ruining Jalopnik. Yall already did it to Autoblog a few years ago. Thats why I left and came here. But sadly I feel we live in such a time where writers feel the need to input their own personal opinions....Just write. No one is paying you for your opinions. Most dont want to hear it.

Jalopnik like to make a bunch of misleading headlines.

What about gay and black

Beautiful and L.A. is like an Oxymoron.

Wow. The beach so fun. Definitely worth living in a shit state like California

L.A is not a wonderful place to live. Cali or L.A. is the last place on earth id wanted to live. And theres many more who think like me. Not sure what the appeal to L.A. or cali in general is.

Yea but a sunset over the Pacific isnt worth having to live in Cali..ewwww

Thank your President kids. Thanks Trump.

Why not a 2nd gen MR2? Alot better looking and performing then a 3rd gen

Money. New cross member. New driveshaft. Most 6spds are hydro operated clutches. But mechanical 5spds could be found easy. Though not cheap. New shift linkage. Etc.etc.etc. lots of parts to swap. May even have to modify floorpan

Sorry your not gonna find a mint early 70s firebird or any yrs 70s TA for 35K.

As much as I wanted to go NP. Its just little too steep. If It was an original restoration I would say NP all day long

I went nice price only because despite what some think. No it cant be duplicated for 9k. Probably 15k to build. Anyone who thinks otherwise has never built a car from the ground up. But yea the triumph drivetrain is very questionable so maybe it should be crack pipe

More like why the fuck is it on Jalopnik? Oh cause gizmodo media duh.

This just in. JALOPNIK DOESNT HAVE ANYTHING ELSE TO WRITE ABOUT SO LETS SHARE SOME MADE UP BS FROM WSJ CNN or HUFFPUFF. Or at least it could happen. I hate seeing “This could happen” in a news article. The world could end tomorrow too, so lets pretend it actually will and get all worked up over nothing.

I so had the exact same thoughts.

Some of the cars are well over 100k however some are far under 100k. The problem is that in DFW they keep closing the local tracks due to noise complaints.

At these events they usually block exits and cross streets during the actual race. There are that many people present.