
 Grifters and shills.

I like the old word: shill

Idiocracy was a non-fiction before its time.

They employ artists worldwide, a LOT of Americans. Many of us in live entertainment have long considered them to be a dream place to work. Our industry is dead, the first to shut down under COVID-19 and we will likely be the last to return, and the people who employed us are treating us like dirt. “Fans” demand that

Also, every build I’ve seen hasn’t had thermal management. You need to keep your batteries warm/cool otherwise they wont last very long.

There is also the threat of isolation failure, homebuilt power electronics or even just a homemade harness are equally dangerous as a shoddy battery, as it presents an invisible lethal danger. And cars do seen to be a bit under-regulated in this area.

So filling the back of my volvo p1800es with old lead acid batteries may not be safe

I’m curious if anyone is working on safe batteries for these Electric Motor Swapped vehicles. Current EV’s have *lots* of engineering hours put into simulating and crash testing to make sure the battery doesn’t turn into a bomb or blazing inferno within <60 seconds of a crash.

That woman has never fired a gun before in her life and should never be allowed near one again:

I think it’s more that he is stuck in 2015- that somehow he has to trick these guys into saying this stuff outloud. He could have walked around telling them he worked for cnn and asking for their opinion on AOC and gotten a seasons worth of racist, sexist hate speech.

LOL that looks like an outtake from the Sabotage video.

Here ya go

I’m not questioning his motives.


I’m honestly surprised this article itself wasn’t a takedown of Cohen for being racist.  The ability to distinguish satire from the object of mockery seems to have disappeared from the left.

Let me know what racist terminology he used in the song and then see if the context will matter.

The thing is, the disease is new, but the countries who kept pleading with Americans to use masks had already been through SARS and knew that masks worked. Health experts in Hong Kong couldn’t understand why Americans didn’t want to wear masks, given the evidence:

You gotta love that America has become some entitled to instant gratification, that outrage now comes from not knowing all there is to know about a completely new disease as soon as it arrives on the scene. We are still learning new things every day about AIDs, Cancer, Alzheimer’s, yet people treat Covid-19 like we

No. The point is that he actively discouraged people from wearing them, telling us there was no reason to, and that they were of no use. This information sticks in peoples brains and you can’t undo it now. It never made any sense to educated, thinking people, since if they were needed for nurses to not catch it, then

he just wanted any available masks to be saved for health care workers.