
Do you want Sam Worthington? Because that's how you get Sam Worthington.

I’m all for movies that cheerfully throw science out the window in favor of spectacle. I am unashamed to love Armageddon (even though Deep Impact is a better movie).

Isn’t this the plot of “Replicas”? That semi crappy Keanu Reeves movie that is fairly recent?

This was pretty much part of the plot to the UK show Humans ( which was a remake of a scandi show, but went with a very different plot) 

♫ Watchin’ X files with no pants on.♫

Damn you.  Take it.  Take your star and go.


chickity china the chinese chicken

Shit, now that you've caught the eye of the Chinese, you'll be hearing from Trump soon.

“do most if not all traffic enforcement with camera” I don’t know how all that mud got on my license plates, as I speed by the cameras at 100mph(160.9 kph)in my monkey trump mask.

Your traffic ticket, brought to you by Ring, from Amazon.

Like 10 people?

Well there are dozens of people that have Pluto TV installed- and watch it. I’m not going to get stressed out about this.

I didn’t know Pluto TV even existed until this article.

Counter argument , as a person from Ireland, who grew up with onscreen portrayals of us as stupid peasants , or comic relief , generally played by someone doing a terribly fake oirish accent ,and with all the YA heroes generally being played by either an American or occaisional English Actor , this is a nice change

As I gather, the books were about a child criminal mastermind, being a criminal mastermind - which conflicts with Disney’s (supposed) family friendly and positive, non-controversial image they cultivate.  Removing the key energy of the book likely left a lot of flailing to find the purpose in the story in the first

I can’t say I “loved” the books, but they were interesting. I powered right through them as an adult, mostly because I wanted to see what all the hooplah was about. They were okay. Better than Harry Potter, which is to say overrated but not terrible.

For the fans of the book, I am really rooting for this to be a pilot for a D+ show.

For me, same thing. I’m always looking for something new to binge while working out or drawing.