
Oh, for the sake of biblical knowledge.


Unfortunately, the rumors indicate any hopes for a properly massive wing aren’t likely to come true

Wow - that is a super-edgy and totally creative comment, well grounded with facts and in no way evidence of a forty year old stereotype.

Oh, wow, there is a very rare c6 with an exclusive natural composite high downforce spoiler at 4:21.

Come on Tadge, do it. You know you want to, DO IT...

Has anyone done a C8 vs NSX video yet?

This isn't the world's first DCT. They aren't as reliable as conventional manuals. And they are expensive. Unless this one is a unicorn, that's how it's going to be. 

If we’re honest, people stopped shopping for the NSX long before the C8 NSX was even released.

literally no one is shopping for an NSX.

Can we get one with a reliable Transmission instead of the flappy paddle unit that will break 5 minutes out of warranty and cost $30,000 to replace?

“Who is still shopping for an Acura NSX with this on the way?”

You can look it up on the forums or reddit for a full explanation, but essentially you need to level up to the point you can build power generators, mineral extractors, and storage tanks.  I found a planet with activated indium deposits, then walked around using my scanner until I found one within reach of an

Agreed! I even prefer their Terrain Manipulators because they only grab the valuable ores and metals, no mining giant extra holes in the dirt!

Oh yeah makes them useful for once. Before they were a fun diversion, now they are getting integrated into my actual operations/exploration and I find myself want to go to new systems to explore again. Also helps that they made them faster and made their mining actually superior. Before this my upgraded alien pistol

I’m pretty sure I’ve played over 20 hours, but that’s 20 hours of how I play an Elder Scrolls game. ha

I dont know what you mean by that. I stopped playing the game a year ago and even with almost 80 hours in the game I was still finding new planets I had never seen before. You have to actually explore and not just had straight to the center to find them and you have to fully upgrade your hyperdrive in order to make

Well, looks like I'm going back to the big black.

I think this game is on sale on Steam right now and it seems pretty appealing. Maybe time to watch some videos and make a decision. They’re not having a 2-week Easter event right now are they? I’m not falling for that again, Animal Crossing.

You CAN! It isn’t mentioned in this article, but you can build a new room in your Freighter that allows you to summon ALL Exocraft to the planet/moon you’re on, so long as your Freighter is summoned into that system first.