
I completely believe her. After the Paula Jones debacle, I stopped supporting Bill Clinton. When NOW supported him despite Jones’ believable accusations, I quit NOW. Did I vote for Clinton the second time? No. Will I vote for Biden? Yes. Because $hit is just that bad. My own rapist is a city councilman back east.

Is it even possible to avoid RV parks for very long? With 7 people they’re going to run through water fast and need to dump their tanks pretty often. 

I was thoroughly opposed to having Biden as the candidate, but here we are. Honestly, I think voters know we’re electing a placeholder who won’t be capable of completing a four year term (which makes his VP choice more significant than ever).

It feels like the best we can hope for at this point is that Biden is smart enough (or the people that think for him are smart enough) to choose a woman (hopefully of color) for VP, by some miracle beats Trump, and then caves early in office from dementia so we finally have a woman in the big chair.

I hate that I’m in the position of voting for the *less* rapey guy just so RBG can retire.

She persists in our tiny hallway, still making me feel okay

This. It just means America will have to choose between a racist, authoritarian rapist with dozens of accusations against him, who thinks the solution to a pandemic is mass genocide to save capitalism, and Biden, who likes to hug people inappropriately, was accused of misconduct by one woman, and might not be as far

How is this better than literally staying at home?

Some of us live in the “middle of nowhere” and are already nervous about what this pandemic is going to do to our small rural hospitals as cases tick up. Even if they travel without having it now - and that’s a big risky “if,” given that asymptomatic and mild cases seem to be fueling a lot of the spread - they could

How stupid can you be to think having your family of seven based out of an RV during a pandemic is an even remotely good call? Have fun when you need to quarantine, assholes. There is no way to follow the guidelines and do what they’re doing. 

I agree. It would be nigh impossible to prep for 2 weeks in an RV for a family of seven. I also have very little confidence in the methods and motives of an “influencer.”

I have a hard time believing the family of SEVEN in the pic is going to have an easy time stocking up enough supplies in an RV to keep grocery/food trips down to every other week. At least living in NY gives them the luxury of Amazon and food deliveries.

Stay the fuck out of New Mexico, you idiots.

We want normal people to visit (and then leave) not Influencers. Does anybody really want Influencers?

Agreed from Colorado. Not sure where they think they’re going either, we’ve been urged to not leave our counties and all campgrounds and established trailheads are closed. Not to mention that it’s still fully winter anywhere higher elevation or further North than Denver.

In theory if you isolate yourself from anyone else and only going to the grocery store and other essentials it should be fine, but you are travelling state to state, stopping at multiple places for gas and food, you would be spreading the virus unwittingly and irresponsibly

You silly Iowans. First you assure people it’s lovely in your state, then you tell us that we wouldn’t care for it.

So glad I live in Iowa. It’l be a LONG time before the idiots are clamoring to come here.

This falls into a gray area for me. When done properly, an RV seems like an ideal method to social distance. Get away from population centers. Stay away from RV parks, though. Full time RVers are generally retired, so are in the highest risk categories for complications associated with COVID-19, and RV parks are

Stay the fuck out of New Mexico, you idiots.