
How does respiratory protection work with a welding helmet? Serious question, I can't remember if/how I ever handled this aspect of PPE.

Speedy Metals is my go-to online source for metal for car projects / welding projects. Great selection, low prices, fast shipping. Anything I can’t find locally I order from them. Just Google their name and you’ll find them (and competitors).

But what if I “need” a Z06? Shouldn’t the market understand and price one accordingly? I only need one... Haha.

That caught my attention too. Good for the environment and I get my Coke and Pepsi fix? Win-win!

Atlanta suburbs checking in. Could occasionally find Kleenex, but no paper towels or TP until just recently. My gf picked up two 12ct TP packs yesterday and now I feel like a billionaire lol. Hopefully this means things are getting better.

Username checks out’ seems to be a bit of an understatement in this case.

The comments on this article are the best I've read all year. Gold, I tell ya!

Totally agreed. The costs aren’t changing, the depreciation isn’t changing, and deferred payments are money in the buyer’s pocket at trade-in time.

I haven't seen a radiator since the early 90s in a building that was probably half a century old. Do people still use those?

As you said, YMMV. I had a 40" 1080p Samsung TV for my only monitor at home for a long time and now I’ve had a 34" ultrawide for maybe 2 years or so. I also have dual 21" 1080p monitors at work. I use my laptop as a 2nd/3rd monitor for email/calendar, which allows me to leverage the main monitor(s) for work.

I also had one of their refurb vacs which I got for about 50% off. It wasn’t even as good as the $90 Hoover I eventually replaced it with.

Yep. Skype still exists. But now you need a Microsoft login, and if you can't remember your password then you're stuck. That happened to me yesterday. I gave up after a few tries and went back to Signal.

Don’t forget Signal. If you’re just talking to one person it’s great. Plus being highly rated for security / privacy.

I worked for an air conditioning company and was sent to a Pizza Hut to deliver parts to the repairmen. This was in Maryland, on the east side of the DC metro area, back in the early 90s. They had to bring me through the kitchen to get to the back where the HVAC units were. The exterminator was there too, dealing with

For a couple of decades Capital One has offered a slower but better option. As a cardholder I can go in their app and apply for a cash advance which has a one time 2% fee and 0% interest for 12 months. I’ve used this every few years when I was willing to pay the fee to avoid having to sell stocks to free up cash.

Im seriously disappointed not to see a pure electric option. Guess I'll be stuck with a hybrid GS...

Those can just be options, many of which I might leave unchecked.

This is the car I've been waiting for. Turn down the power to 900hp or so, give it the GT350 suspension, and TAKE MY MONEY. This is exactly what I want in a street car.

Totally agreed. He’s my favorite character. So intellectual and yet so lethal. The high point in a great movie. 

Out of all the possibilities I can't figure out how he picked those. So weird...