
I’ve considered trading my Vette on an R8, GT350, GT-R, and various other cars over the past year. Fuel economy was part of the decision because this is my DD and I don’t see any reason to pour money down a hole every time I want to go somewhere. I still have the Vette because it’s the best solution to my personal

I disagree. One of the reasons I’ve owned 3 Corvettes as daily drivers is that they are more fuel efficient than comparable performance cars. They’re also better performing than comparably priced competitors and quite reliable. Really the sweet spot for me.

Definitely both. I go to car shows to see the cars, but if there’s a chance of dumbassery you can bet I’ll find a safe place to watch from. (Behind a thick tree, hundreds of feet away.)

Except organized motorsports events are so organized that they are often dull. Watching some dumbass wreck his personal car is a lot more entertaining than watching a pro beat another pro based on technical points or a few tenths of a second. Why not put up barriers around a designated hooning area and let the idiots

Ertefa sounds interesting. I haven’t gone to something like that since the 90s. They used to gather all the fast modded cars at the end of an industrial dead end street after midnight, block the incoming road with parked cars about a half mile away, and drag race for hours. Nobody brought booze or guns or drugs. They w

Anakin talking sense into someone? His entire life was impulse driven from the pod race to turning on the emperor at the last minute. The other force ghosts probably locked him in a closet somewhere to shut him up.

I think it’s more meaningful that she is a palpatine who rejected evil than just a random do gooder doing good. But please sign me up for the Kylo Ren Force School! Haha.

Did he really retcon things? Why can’t it make sense that people misled Rey for reasons? Why can’t there be twists? Can’t the second movie trick all of us into thinking that the past is meaningless, only to turn out that it’s meaningful?

This reminds me of college football. “I hate Alabama [Bernie Bros] and Nick Saban [Bernie], but after they beat my team [preferred candidate], I’m suddenly their greatest fan because the SEC [Democratic party] must win the national championship [presidential election].

Agreed, but still a great summary video that would have saved me a lot of time when I was researching swaps a few years back. This is one of the only videos I've watched on this site. 

It’s not April 1... Did this really happen? How could Facebook not think to prevent their translations from including profanity? Errors will happen, but some words should be off limits for an automatic translation process on a public site.

I’ve been wondering for a while now - did he actually lick her, or just get very close? Gotta wonder what goes in the contract for that sort of acting...

I have never understood this brand. Its speakers sound horrible, especially in my Corvettes. Extra boomy without real bass or punch. I’m sorry about the impact to the employees and I hope they find equal or better jobs, but I won't miss these stores at all.

Exactly. Drop the tiny motors and add the LT1, LS7 and LSA. Sure, I’d prefer a V10 or V12, but the LS/LT engines should be right behind them.

Sad that this isn't true. It would sell better and enthusiasts would be more excited than we are for the current model.

The amazing thing is how long Tesla has had superior tech. The entire industry has had a decade to figure it out and nobody is even close to matching them.

All good points. But if my spouse was negotiating terms of my living arrangements, travel, finances, family obligations and official status, I'd sure want to be in the room. If I've learned one thing from important meetings at work, it's that skipping them always means something goes in a direction I don't want. 

This is going to be difficult for the people who want to kill suburbia to accept... All those low density communities with lots of green space might be healthier places to live in than the urban concrete jungle.

I have always thought that the internet is a broadcast medium for idiots. The fools that we never knew were among us now have the ability to share their nitwittery with the rest of the world. I applaud your attempts to stem the tide. Keep fighting the good fight - there aren’t enough adults around to hold back the

This deserves all the stars. Very big deal and very cool piece of history. Plus it's already got seats and harnesses as all of these should. Whoever buys it should take it back to the 'Ring and re-live history being made.