So, looking at that picture, the store was also out of dark brown eyebrow pencil, blush and wine colored lipstick? Way to go Ulta.
So, looking at that picture, the store was also out of dark brown eyebrow pencil, blush and wine colored lipstick? Way to go Ulta.
The next time I fart next to your wife I’ll say the same thing!
Yibble, Yoba, Yubble, Yublub, Yapa, Yama, Yaby, Yaweh(!), Yomlom, Yomom, Yodad, Yofriend, Yosis, Yobro, Yogran, Yodog, Yocat, Yoyo...
That’s not actually Baby Yoda tho*, so you’re technically fine.
It is very good.
Those damn Yoda’s with the good ears.
This fellow pedant agrees with you. Baby Yoda.
They can’t because his name is Baby Yoda.
I can hear the fanfic engines revving in the distance
Baby Yoda may be my favorite Star Wars thing ever and I say that as a hardcore Porg stan. (Yes I like the adorable creatures shut up)
Yogurt uses the Schwartz, come on.
So we need Jon Stewart.
Because for most of us, say, 99% of us, at some point in our early years, we got yelled at like that and had to accept it (or actually do the research to prove 1+2=2) or eat shit. Donny boy and all the other douche fund babies had the privilege of not accepting it AND not eating shit because daddy’s money would…
He has no shame and can-not be shamed, not by the left, not by the media, not by his own party and not by his own followers. As for money, I’d bet that you’ve got currently more capital then he’s got, plus your credit is likely a hell of a lot better too.
that’s how dudes talk to ladies all the time “oh that can’t be right” to my years of experience and research oh ok my boobs got in the way
Vets are cool till you have to reimburse them for the services they provided you.
the USPS and the VA are 2 of the most successful agencies that this government ever created and for decades have been under attack by the the right.