WRXerFish - WRX-Wing pilot

You say “absurd difficulty”, I say “doesn’t coddle the weak”.

It could have ended in a fracas.

Tonight on Top Gear.

I’m guessing it was actually a faulty turbo

Model bloat.

How are your kids ever going to get into law school if they are watching Netflix instead of mock debating each other?

I fixed that one for you.

This game easily has taken hours from my life. Between the NES version playing 4-player with all my brothers, and the stand-up Arcade version with its infinite-spin steering wheels and 3-human-player action, it’s a challenge to this day.

I can’t tell if you’re trolling, being serious or being super snarky.

Early mock up of the sponsor shirt design.


[x] would not buy

Forget Netflix... this is all we would need.

Cylinder #4...wait...no...oops....#3