
This happened to me at a Walmart when I moved to BC. I bought used tires which had a lot of tread and a month later the shop said they were so worn that I couldnt leave. I just assumed I was taking the tread depth wrong or driving like an asshat. I should have put up more of a fight. I like that “get it in writing”

I gotta disagree with almost all of you. The majority of the blame belongs to the benz driver. People speed all the time and everyone needs to look both ways, not just blink in one direction. It’s speed you are looking for, not just distance! I’ve had a few close calls like this where I had to change lanes because

I hate this story, the family could have driven away at any point. Kids are screaming and there is a man walking towards you with a chainsaw, your car is still running but you choose to wait there. Like white people in a horror movie. I also hate almost all Quebecois, being born and raised there lol.

I would have gotten out of my car and either directed her or got behind her wheel. This guy is patient!

That is the winning comment!

Can the "I know how fast you were driving" thing be turned off? I imagine an accident that isn't my fault can be construed into a split blame because I was doing 80 in a 50.
Also I'm quite happy with the chinese one I got off ebay about a year ago. It is around $47 and is 1080p, panoramic and has pretty good night

That guy drove through a puddle that waxed his car. I want the puddle!!

Maybe they'll use it for good, like finding our cell phones and cars when they are stolen...
Just kidding, they'll get bored and send us speeding tickets in the mail.

So lucky that other car pulled into the ditch and that the other car stopped completely. I didn't know some drivers actually looked behind/around them when they drove! O.o

In Quebec where everyone is corrupt I got a ticket for 150 km/h while doing 130 km/h, neither cop showed up to court AND the ticket I was facing said my car was black instead of green, this was in daytime. I told the judge they probably saw a different car that colour but it didn't matter and he made me pay the fine

I once drove from Quebec to TN and didn't even realize I was in VA because I was blindly following my GPS. I got pulled over for doing 5 MILES over the limit and the bastard gave me a second fine for my radar detector which is legal in 48 states but not fucking Virginia. Lesson learned.

It looks retarded like the last one.
Regrettably, I can't wait to see it!

Let's teach pedestrians how to cross the street!
If the car is not slowing down, do not walk in front of it!
Why are the drivers ALWAYS at fault?

What about sports cars? I bought a used WRX and hoped that the former driver didn't drive it as hard as I did. I'm wishing I bought new because of that.

Wait 505hp for a 7L V8and it takes 5.9 secs to hit 60mph? If that isn't shameful enough they offer a 1 year 10,000 mile warranty and the thing is over a million dollars. That's as ugly as the model.

I chalk this up to suicide. Jump in front of my car while I am driving, I'd run you down also. No one can intimidate me off the road into a potential crash.

The driver didn't swerve? Open lane to the right or he could have swerved at the last minute into a parked car. He chose to nearly kill someone? Revoke their license, you can't teach common sense!

If you let this guy/girl do it more people will actually put on a disguise and say as a defense that this transgender kid did it and was allowed.

Why is the BMW in the passing lane after the collision? I would have been as far over as I could have been to avoid the collision.