Magic Xylophone

*Smacks forehead*

I've always wondered about the equilibrium between emotional catharsis and intellectual challenge. For instance, I find the abrupt ending of No Country For Old Men profoundly unsatisfying, but I guess that's sort of the point, which makes it good? Or is that just a rationalization? Or is this one of those things that

Oh, me too. I've done enough damage to myself, can you imagine?

The original was hardly above poking fun at people getting eaten. Remember Dennis? Gennaro?

As if I didn't feel bad enough about being single.

Ohhhhhh I was thinking of the wrong car.

That's fair. It would have been just as compelling as a post-credits scene.

Really? Well, you're welcome, world.

Which is why I bring it up. I just figured with 30 times the budget, he'd be able to make it look a little less like a TV show (even a visually distinguished TV show).

I wish JP3 had taken the GTFO route.

There was? But that was the only set piece that wasn't an overblown retread of the original.

That's what you get for being so flippant about the death of your offspring.

So the title is about telling no tales, and now it's on hiatus for rewrites? That's almost too perfect.

I wish I could feign sober indifference at this stuff, but I just can't. The schadenfreude is too sweet.

Isn't Hot Topic mostly Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon merch these days?

Tell them he's Dumbledore's son and see how they react.

Twilight covered domestic abuse, bestiality, necrophilia, and pedophilia. What else is left to be shocked at? Will the object of lust be a full-on rapist?

All power to her!