Magic Xylophone

I like 'em.

Those minions that shatter when you hit 'em looked pretty good, and the costumes and sets seem to have cost a pretty penny, but the troll and fairies looked hilariously cheap.

Okay, I give up, the fuck are you guys talking about?

Madam Pomfrey ought to be able to clear that right up.

"since they hit adulthood"

I just got the weirdest sense of Deja vu. Have you made this joke before?

As far as projecting the future attractiveness of child actors goes (Christ, I just wrote that, didn't I?), her? She looked like Jeremy Irons as a kid.

His snorkack horn was crumpled.

"and the shot of the dragon opening its eyes as the last shot of the movie"

You have a point about the theatricality and narcissism of activism, but how else are you supposed to effect broad social change? Voting?

Is it just me, or do the visuals for Thor: The Dark World look rather less polished and, well, cinematic than the previous installment? GoT is a better story than Thor, but I'm not sure I want the movie to look like it.

A huge musi Knurd.

Seems like that's the kind of info that should be in the liner notes.

Okay, I give up. How did recognizing a Beastie Boys sample remind you who Ciara Hughes is?

Meshach, not Meshack.

Steampunk? Really?

Great scene. I love how the stark, Kubrickian shots are undercut by his hilarious imitation of walking in low gravity.

It's certainly creative and clever, but I'm not entirely sure I "get" it. Worth a watch for sure, though.