Magic Xylophone

I guess I should stop telling my friends about all the funny things my girlfriend Scrawler (who lives in Canada) says.

Never stick your dick in sharknado.

BaSHARK Hussein Obama.

Sharks are sort of bears of the sea. But they don't have arms.

Whoa, huge slam on Jeremys out of nowhere!

Red Pill, go back your preposterous MRA site and stop using Matrix references like you're freeing minds. Women aren't Agent Smith and you're not Morpheus. You're an embarrassment to the people actually trying to improve equality in custody rights and inclusiveness in sex abuse laws, many of whom (gasp!) are feminists.

You mean sub-human.

There simply aren't enough Natives left for corporations to worry about pissing them off.

Sequels don't really count. What were they gonna do, recast Jack Sparrow?

Oh yeah, doesn't that make him a dubloon or something? No, wait, that's 1/8 pirate.

@avclub-5934f8d8c7553f3a03d2f898e03d721c:disqus I prefer amateur paid morons.

Eh, didn't Dark Knight Returns have him retired for a long time? That's the Batman comic a lot of people hold up as the gold standard.

Which is funny, because when you think about it Superman's response to the New Krypton gambit could be read as a massive pro-choice allegory. Humanity is the mom, Zod is the overbearing boyfriend, the Codex is the embryonic DNA, and the world engine / genesis machine is the life-threatening pregnancy. Making Superman

Whoa, careful with that gasoline!

Hey cool, I'm also a disgruntled Arts graduate!

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus I'm sure CM doesn't mind someone sullying his name, as long as they don't mess with his cookies.

I like, but it'd be better if you actually transliterated the sound.

Hey, I don't blame your brain. Who can afford it?

Maybe he was really a Kirk Lazarus puppet the whole time.