Magic Xylophone

I always get it confused with The Sentinel.

I'm trying to read your comment in your character's voice, but the "Man" part is messing it up. Could you please keep your speech patterns clipped and formal? For my sake?

You know what I've noticed? After sex scenes in movies and TV, neither the man or the woman wince when he pulls out. Is it just me, or does that totally break the illusion that they were actually having intercourse? I would think that's a great character moment, bonding over mutual awkwardness and discomfort.

Crowe and Bale are ruggedly handsome, but I wouldn't call them pretty. Especially not under all that scraggle and dust. They could have had worse teeth, I s'pose.

Maybe that's the idea. To get people to see a movie in summer, it's gotta be a real humdinger. But you can release any cheap piece of crap in January and you have at least some revenue guaranteed.

Ash has a such a great, iconic personality, and I can't really figure out its antecedents. I know there's some Elvis in there, but who else was in Bruce and Sam's playbook when they were developing that character?

The only worse movie for heroin I can think of is Requiem for a Dream.

Too bad he won't live, but then again, who does?

"Now I have a machine gun. Ho ho ho," is the "Yes Virginia," of the 80s.

I wish I'd seen it as a kid. It did nothing for me as a jaded twentysomething.

@EvelKareebel:disqus Did you at least watch it with some friends and alcohol? Because seeing it under those conditions at age 20 made it a shameless delight.

Mos was so perfect though.

That's the point.

Do you also hate Christopher Meloni for his role in Harold and Kumar?

Walk without rhythm; it won't attract the worm.

And I created C-3PO when I was a little kid!

Because we want to imagine them as more than a work of art. We want them to be a world that we can revisit in our imaginations at will.

Shame about those unlicensed stickers of Luke peeing on various logos. It kind of devalues the character.

Well he could have fucking told somebody.

Well he could have fucking told somebody.