
i can't believe how far down the page i had to scroll before i saw this piece of shit. but oh, the HYPE!

Yeah, I loved a bunch of different parts of this game, but it was short and easy. They should have focused on single player because the story was actually pretty interesting and there could have been a lot to it. I'd still have loved to watch this as a tv show.

yeah, no telling how those girls are going to mutate once they hit puberty *shudders*

It looks like both Village and Shining combined...

I think it's meant to be a play on "Village of the Damned"

It's EA so that's basically a foregone conclusion.

It's not his right to say what you really are. But it's nacho's either.


Robot Chicken, anyone...?

"The real Toy Story looks so wholesome by comparison!"

I know collecting is collecting, but man, you gotta be out of things to buy when you're getting the Sweeney Todd figures.

That said, it does look like a very well crafted figure.

I feel Bruce Lee's needed to end with him being crushed by a bottle of Bayer or something.

Where's the John Holmes toy story?

Haha the scar face ones made me lol

Superman is such a good guy in these.

ugh, i want my 30 seconds back.

I need your boots, your clothes, and your motorcycle.