All that inconvenience and you can’t even say it was for a “good” reason!
All that inconvenience and you can’t even say it was for a “good” reason!
Were you one of the people who heard (before this article) of Keeping Up With the Joneses?
I’m not going to stop watching...but I don’t watch with the same intense interest I once had. I am willing to see where Negan takes our protagonists and am curious how they (d)evolve past this incident, which I believe is world-changing to them. I’ve always been curious to learn how and why this whole apocalypse…
Is it Demi Moore?
He’s trying to stop women who haven’t come forward from doing so. I don’t think it will work and he probably inspired even more to tell their stories.
Yes, thank you. I appreciate what you’re saying and got a lot of great feedback. I think sometimes what I see as “politeness” is seen as weakness or a lack of seriousness. “Clear” and “direct” are the way to go!
Thank you — I think the omitting “please” or those minimizing words and actions I sometimes fall into is key and I’m glad you pointed that out. I may think I’m being polite when I use those phrases, but it may not convey the strength I was hoping for!
It would be wonderful to see more people publicly displaying polite ways of protecting their own space. I’m sure being on camera like that doesn’t make it any easier because your response will be dissected and inevitably found wrong by so many.
I think people touch for different reasons — probably many of their reasons are benign, and I think it sucks it’s usually up to the person being touched to have to interpret it and respond to it. I like the “Ok, I hear you” line — will keep that in mind. Thank you!
Sometimes I wish I had those gloves with the sharp, pointy fingernails attached. Definitely going to be more assertive thanks to all the replies I got here. Thanks!
One of my favorite KOTH moments! :)
Thank you for your reply! There are so many unspoken rules that people who are friends or kinda friends establish. Then there are the folks who think they are friendly but are more creepy and their instincts are usually way off. I’ve definitely learned from all the great responses here that calm and assertive for the…
That’s a really good point. I feel like I usually have a sixth sense almost when it comes to knowing who can’t keep their hands to themselves. I’m going to work on the subtle recoil because that may communicate my displeasure to the less-oblivious. If not, then I’m going to be more assertive and direct. Thanks for…
Remove my skin?! Makes me think of a delicious Thanksgiving turkey. I may stick with the withering look for now, but now it’s in my list of potential responses :)
Great point. Kill ‘em with kindness. I think that would work most of the time, actually. Thank you for the reply!
I’m good at both yanking and smiling :) Thanks!
That’s a disappointing response — but I’m so glad you took steps to minimize the intrusiveness!
Thanks — from all the responses I’ve gotten, I feel like I have the ability to now speak up now — assertively and calmly. Hoping for the best. :)
I’m glad that worked for you! I appreciate all the great responses I’ve gotten and thanks for sharing — I’m now on the road to being more assertive. :)
Thank you — that makes so much sense. I appreciate all that you’ve said. I do think sometimes people don’t realize they are encroaching and more need their eyes opened. I shall be silent no more (after a little practice being assertive and calm).