
Because it is. It has a deity and it has ceremonies, just because a lot more consider it weird or strange doesn’t make it any less “religious”. Being strange and weird make it the the perfect counter to practicing christianity not to mention it’s the yin to its yang.

This is a tangential point that has nothing to do with the depressing prejudices and injustices which characterize this story.

This is what happens when a black guy with too much cheddar encounters a white person with swiss cheese for brains.

I want to party with this guy.

Who the hell just lets a fart fly in a restaurant like it’s nothing? I’ll run to the bathroom if I have to.

Gonna smack that bottom.

I’m not Tina Belcher when it comes to butts, but man, that photo.

Not that I had any chance with him anyway, but damn it!

Benjamin Netanyahu is also suing but on the grounds the Nazi “doesn’t look Palestinian enough”.

The real question...who is buying Nazi soldier toys for their kids?

Ahem. Banana Republic is a subsidiary of the Gap.

I mean you’ve got to give a little love to get a little love so I sure hope so

So you think they’re gonna give a little love?

Trains, you say?

first of all

City of St. Louis: [implodes, catches on fire from the heat of takes]

You may disagree with the term- I only use it ironically, myself- but the phrase “Leader of the Free World” refers to the POTUS. Has for almost seventy years. It’s a Cold War relic. Mark didn’t make it up, it’s not bad journalism, and there’s no need to be a crank.

Oh God, I’m watching a rape apologist and a Philly fan argue with each other. This is what hell is like.

I like how the only time many sports fans give a fuck about sexual assault is when they can reference it in order to heckle a player on an opposing team.

I’d like to enjoy that moment but in the back of my head I know that over half of them would be calling her a gold digging liar if it was one of their players.