Fiat Chrysler has been in the news lately, and not for good reasons. Star Trek actor Anton Yelchin was killed this…
Fiat Chrysler has been in the news lately, and not for good reasons. Star Trek actor Anton Yelchin was killed this…
Agreed, but there’s a difference between a one star review for “My drink took 10 minutes” and one star review for “I’m out $1000 and this contractor did a shit job I have to pay even more money to fix.” One is overkill, the other is probably not.
I’m an enormous fan of the UK version of Top Gear and have seen every episode at least three times. After it was…
We’ve been doing these off and on, and I’d like to get to doing them more regularly. Whereas AOTD was limited in the sense that it was just a list of “here are the cars (or whatever)”, I find this superior because it’s more centered around the personal stories you readers have to tell.
Here is the alternate angle from the local Indianapolis TV station.
Yes and it would be for something like a Chrysler 200....so yeah, better to take the 1.9 APR or whatever on the Accord.
Wow an 84 month term on a no interest loan just sounds too good to be true. I imagine you’d need really good credit to qualify for that deal.
Usually 60 months is the norm, but I’ve seen 72 and 84 month interest free loans.
For a limited amount of time though, right? Most of the time the 0% rate is over the course of a set number of months. They won’t let you take a 100 month loan out at 0% APR for that entire 100 month period will they?
I’ve never seen that, but I would imagine it has happened in some form. 0% APR is usually through the manufacturer finance arm and more often than not it really is no interest.
Is it true that dealer 0% financing truly isn’t 0%? Some people said they add on some monthly fee’s that are essentially interest in the form of a fee.
Take one look at the picture above and you’d think that Danny Ongais would have died that day, 35 years ago. The…
...a culture that infuriates me? You mean that same culture I have spent years learning about, immersed in, adapting to, and being molded by? That culture? The one that is so much a part of my identity and sociocultural context that I’ve chosen to take on Japanese nationality and live here for the rest of my life.
*Takes off glasses*
Anyone wearing black rimmed glasses after 2013 is an idiot.
This isn't cross-posted. I am a Jalopnik writer. And this is about addresses which matter when driving in Japan. As I do.
Wide open highway, hundreds of horsepower at your feet, the stage is set for a really good few seconds of on-ramp…
Quick summary for the impatient: