Blacks Write?

This is what happens when companies think having a diverse staff is “nice to have” but “not a necessity.” In a country that is become increasingly less white, any company that has an all-white ANYTHING (staff, board, membership, etc.) is asking for trouble.

Hell, there’s a biracial baby laying up in Windsor Castle. Even the Queen knows what time it is, adapt or die. Country music’s audience is ever shrinking, and if a black kid with a cute ditty can bring in new listeners (and new customers for Wrangler), run that young man his checks!

Weird as that sounds, I, too sometimes feel it would take some worldwide natural or celestial event to bring us as a human race to our knees before we realize that we are all the same.

That’s the thing that got me, besides this ugly racist’s tirade. People were walking by and sitting around like NOTHING was going on. I would NOT have been able to sit there and hear and see something like this going on around me. A black man at least had the presence of mind to whip out his phone and record this

Does he mean that we, the blacks and browns of America, are supposed to go over and hug a racist, bake him or her some cookies and serve it up with cold milk and warm reassurances that they are not losing their white privilege but gaining equality? Is that what he means? If so, I am sorry, but I am not your mammy. You

They will pick, pick, pick until they find something. Haven’t we had this experience on our jobs? When you’re really good at what you do, someone gets resentful and then the BS starts — the clock watchers, the undermining at meetings, not being told about meetings, minor mistakes that are blown out of proportion,

Yeah, it has. When my daughter was in school (she just graduated), she said black boys stampeded to white girls, many times because they were perceived as being more “adventurous.” I’ll leave it at that.

I find Ms. Shepherd to be a bit ridiculous. So, her son met a few black girls at a mostly white school and he thinks all black girls are mean? My guess is it’s probably him. He’s maybe stuck on himself because the little white girls are fascinated with his skin color and hair and treat him like a pet in a zoo, whereas

I saw the show and it brought tears to my eyes, and memories of my own college experience — except I went to an HBCU! I didn’t know I was supposed to be “less than” because of my dark skin UNTIL I went off to college. I met men who fully expected me to act “needy” and do whatever for their attentions, i.e., give up

I’m not a super-hero movie going type a person, I mean...mostly not at all. I’ve been dragged by my husband to a few Batman/Superman movies. I’ve even enjoyed a few of them. But then the studios started doing them one on top of the other and the little interest I had all but disappeared. I wasn’t anxiously awaiting

THANK YOU! My daughter has multi-culti friends, almost ALL of whom can say their people are from Sierra Leone or Palestine or Cameroon, or Mexico or Ireland, but she CAN’T and that bothers me. I bought my husband a DNA kit for Xmas. Results just came back...highest percentage is Cameroonian. I’m getting mind done

The problem is...were are these sermons directed toward men? It takes two.

Gilbert Arenas doesn’t know anything about women like Lupita — beautiful, educated, talented and sophisticated. A woman like her wouldn’t be caught dead with the likes of him. He only knows the types who hang out around his hotel or at certain bars, waiting to be picked up by ignorant a$$ athletes like him. We know

“The most disrespected person in America is the black woman. The most unprotected person in America is the black woman. The most neglected person in America is the black woman.” Malcolm X

Unfortunately, it’s the “zero sum” mentality that grips many in America — the “you got, so that must mean I don’t got” thinking that makes some people grabby, greedy, mean-spirited, fearful, stingy, etc. It’s why we can’t get health care straight, for one. Fortunately, many of us come from more communal, “village”

This issue is obviously too complex for you, but go back and read the paragraph that says the commercial attempted to equate white women’s hair “issues” (should I go blonde or stay a redhead?) with the tangled socio-sexual-economic-political issues that black women have had and continue to have heaped on our heads

I beg to differ. I don’t recall any First Lady in history who suffered the insults that Michelle Obama was subjected to on the daily. Granted, the spew was because of her race, but that in and of itself made her different from any First Lady that ever came before. No she is no superhero, nor would she want anyone to