
So...now think about vibrators, greasy congealed fast food, and these stupid fucking things.

<<<P:I:G : B:U:T:T:E:R>>>

That was in 2010.

Yeah but it attracts the cops who figure that red calipers mean you probably need to slow down a lot because you’re going too fast.

Puffy Batman.


With all the computer controlled stuff on cars now,what’s the most ridiculous failure anyone’s seen?

Also, forgot Michelle Trachtenburg was even a thing that existed, lol.


You know what really completes your look when you’re the young, hip leader of a religious community?


Wait, what was the middle part again?

Hot dogs should only be hot dogs, and sandwiches should only be sandwiches.

In the...80s...I would nuke pepperoni pizza Hot Pockets for an extra two or three minutes, so the ends got chewy crispy, and wolf them down with orange juice. Preferably while they were still so hot the juice made ‘em sizzle in my mouth.

Had my first heart attack at 21, then two stents, then a bypass at 36.

I’m dead now.


You don’t camp much, do you.

“It’s...it’s okay, Clark. I wear Underoos sometimes, too. Batman, usually. And not at the office. But...I get it. You’re not alone.” 

Cancel culture is totalitarian.