...given that IRL is unexplored territory.
...given that IRL is unexplored territory.
The reason to watch Street Fighter is to learn new stuff for when you do play. Unless you’re some kind of FGC savant, you’re not going to figure out high level strategy by yourself.
I think you can understand this example: I like to play fighting games, and that has led to me watching tournaments on stream. It’s like a person who’s into playing golf watching a golf tournament.
Really interesting story, Cecilia.
Neither option seems like an appealing lifestyle.
I mean this is just deconstructed nachos and you were a genius child.
I used to sneakily watch the scrambled porn channel growing up. I liked to think that every once in a while, one of those blips was a nipple.
Hell, my biggest disappointment as a middle schooler was to learn that almost every early-to-mid 80's porn movie involved a hot chick boning a middle-aged, fat, hairy guy who looked like my loser uncle. I figured I had no shot until I gained 100 lbs., lost a job, and gave up on personal hygiene.
What do you think is the most “fucked to” show on TV/Netflix?
Buy a manual, no thief will be able to jack your ride.
Your car shouldn’t have been dressed like that if you didn’t want it to be stolen.
Fellow Michigander here, I’m interested in signing up for the Jalopnik group hike.
My argument seems pretty sound:
It’s not coffee. Also the baristas aren’t mad at customers, just the situation and some customers, like the ones who throw things at you when you tell them you’re out of supplies.
That sounds reasonable and balanced, but you know this is the internet right? THERE’S NO PLACE FOR SHIT LIKE THAT! EDIT YOUR COMMENT TO BE INSANE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!1
I’m a landlord. As long as you would be willing to repair it all when you are done (or forfeit your security deposit if not), I’m perfectly fine with whatever temporary damage you want to do on my property. It’s my job to give you a livable place, and that’s pretty much it. I don’t have to be the fun police.
I’ve told the longer story elsewhere on Jezebel but the short of it is my wife almost died from an ectopic pregnancy. We generally fall back on “well we tried but God tried to kill my wife so I figure its out of our hands. Take it up with him.”
The police waste all their time on things like this, meanwhile the Tunnel Snakes are still running wild, terrorizing the public with their aggressive and provocative dance moves.
I’ve played the hell out of Fallouts 3 and 4 and if I saw that guy walking down the street (a random one with no cons around) I would not recognize it as Fallout cosplay, and would probably have concerns.
... and you’re still missing the best bit entirely; holding the clutch bite point, on a hill, with a wanker half a meter behind you.