
A few years back, I was at a horror convention, it was, I think the 35th anniversary of The Thing, most of the cast was there, not Kurt Russell, but most of them. They had a panel, and someone asked about the critical reception, they all answered, and when it got to Wilford Brimley, he just said, “fu*k critics.” LOL,

Why do I get the feeling Wright is going to co star with Gina Carano in some future project.

Sorry but in THIS house we believe in the freemasons and nothing else. Get outta here with the lizard people garbage

Can’t wait for when Alanis, Liz Phair, and the two girls from Veruca Salt team up to stop Loki from invading New York. 

I’m waiting for the genetic lab accident that gifts the world with Alanis Morrissey.

“Yeah, The Breakfast Club. That’s the movie where me and four other actors spent all day in the liberry.”

On the other hand, when someone won’t tell you whether or not they are vaccinated, they are probably telling you.

St. Elmo’s Fired

I say cast Danny DeVito as Hobbes.

Mmm-MMM! This is good Debbie butter!

I too worked at a movie theater and it was the same popcorn sitting in the hopper for weeks.

You can literally use any pot with a lid and forgo any specialty equipment. Babish has a great video on YouTube.

How would you know what she meant? Are you some kind of physics?

Not that hard to make your own ghee (although it is a bit messy). The trick is to...well, I just ask my mother for some. But it involves heating up regular butter until the crap solidifies on the pot, leaving you just the good stuff.

The real trick is using one of those popcorn makers with the spinning arms on a hot plate. So much better than an air popper

I could also literally get bagged popcorn at the grocery store and have the same affect.

During the pandemic, one of the things I missed most was movie theater popcorn. So I learned how to make it. I will now gladly share this knowledge with all of you.

Tell me more about this “nachos alcohol”. Is it cheese and jalapenos immersed in vodka?

You should always call the police. They speak pig.

I was genuinely surprised at how amusing 'the Host' revealed itself to be, even as tragedy and turmoil beset the heroes. The 'grieving' scene for the young girl was particularly humorous, and yet it marks the (possible) death of an engaging character! As for the environmental element, I believe that the film was