Becca James


Also, I'm just being sassy. I like the show. Feel free to take away those upvotes now. ;)

Neither do I. I love when we're all on the same page.

But you used jibe correctly. Thank you.

Give Gameological a try and I think you'll get some hits.

We were actually waiting on custom illustrations that fell through. Sorry for any inconvenience you experienced.

We were actually waiting on custom illustrations that fell through. Apologies for any inconvenience you experienced.

It's insulting that you think we wouldn't have taken that angle if she were a man. As someone suggested below, perhaps Kevin Smith should have won that category, and as a SMODcast listener I agree that he is a contender.

Lol. I got a hearty chuckle out of that.

We promised to get some coverage of the three podcasts that won our readers' poll in the "The podcast we should cover in 2015 is…" category. http://www.avclub.com/artic…

Just stopping in to let you know that Tod won. Apologies to all the non-Tods out there.

Aliases include Wrecka Flames and Jecca Bames. I'm real inventive…

You are far too kind. I'm sure if you look at my two favorite songs of the year, you will be saddened.

It's DVD.

In an effort to be fair, I am not choosing the winner. My lovely boss is.

I get it. I end up going to bat for that album a lot in comparison to others.

I am so jealous right now.

It is not signed, but I'm still enjoying it!

No, no. There will be no death marches!

This should be fixed now.