
Jackie Chan for president

Am I the only one who finds it a bit dubious to do a “buyer’s guide” on this blog for a car that effectively costs at least six figures to get into? Obviously I don’t know the demo stats on Jalopnik readers or understand what makes for click-throughs but why not call this article what it is - fantasy material for all

Yikes this is clearly someone who belongs in prison not civil society. Gotta say gen-pop NFL ain’t civil society though, its modern America’s Coliseum and he’s another gladiator we pay to watch put a hurt on someone. Just like the psychos in MMA. Sure they’re despicable. But find me a decent person willing to do what

I don't know who's more gullible here the cops or you guys. "Bee in the car" is the oldest excuse in the book. Guarantee this guy was texting or otherwise distracted. Thank God he didn't hurt anyone else.