
Yay more one sided propaganda from Kotaku

Ok but back to the important part - how many abortions did you sell her?

the space military, duh

This professor is an historian of the civil rights movement, activist of social causes, fircely anti-trump, and has been arrested a few times while protesting against racial injustice. He simply is communicating a fact, I bet he too thinks “fuck this horrid woman” but he can’t put it in the book because that wouldn’t

My god, Tim Tyson is a tireless activist here in NC for Black Lives Matter, for Moral Mondays with Reverend William Barber. He’s on the front lines literally every week. He’s been arrested numerous times while protesting voter suppression and gerrymandering. He’s a fine historian and a man of unwavering principle.

No, your point is over.

You’re still quoting a paraphrase. Yes, those are his words, but it’s a selected part of a larger statement. The author of the vanity fair article took that quote from somewhere. A direct interview? Probably not, as the article doesn’t claim to be an interview with Tyson. A quote from someone else’s interview? A quote

He has the duty to tell the story. The whole story as told by her... Leaving details out, especially ones as critical as these are is to not tell the entire story. I can’t believe you would condemn someone for fully reporting. Who are you, the President?

I think your anger is going in the wrong direction. The researcher has the responsibility to present his research unvarnished by personal opinions. This is the attitude he gathered in his research, not his personal opinion. This guy has spent his life researching, writing about, and educating people about white

So Casey Affleck apologized and paid restitution to the victims. Also its not like he assaulted them: their allegations were that he was crass toward them. This is hardly on the level of Donald Trump and physically assaulting women.

“Oh, you’re one of the good ones. Here’s some money.”

And you didn’t hold a press conference? I would have canceled my preorder if I have known that some random nobody whose opinion I couldn’t care less about was offended by a series of polygons. Please, keep us more informed in the future, so we can make informed decisions based upon your feelings.

You can change the outfit back to her original normal outfit she wears in the prologue immediately after starting the main game so its a moot point.

No one cares and Michelangelo is the worst Ninja Turtle.

He didn’t blame them, or anyone, he was speculating, theorizing.

He never even said feminists, and he certainly didn’t mean every feminist. There are many, many feminists with radical and unsubstantiated views, like the ones he showed in the video. He’s saying they may have unfairly targeted him.

He does have a point though. He hasn’t had an answer in a year now. What he mentioned was the worst of the worst of the worst case scenarios, and that includes.... THOSE people. And it’s legit. He is not going against feminists, he is going against that PARTICULAR Social Justice Warrior who could have gone mad and had

He didn’t blame feminists. He didn’t blame anyone. He didn’t even say feminists. He clearly said “those people” who try to interfere with others lives.

he only tried speculating what could the cause be... he never blamed anyone, it’s just a couple scenarios he thinks that could be possible. He never heard the reason for the ban, so until he gets into contact with someone from Twitch, he can only guess what the reason is.

Not so much ‘blamed’ them outright as ‘speculated’ that they might be a cause. I like to think that that’s not the case, but considering he’s been left out cold for a year after so many attempts at communication I’m not surprised he’s scrapping the bottom of the guesswork barrel already.