wrath of the oppressed

My mother likes to remind me, whenever I’ve had a teacher, coach or boss with whom I don’t get along, “this person has a significant amount of power over you, but only for a finite amount of time. Choose your battles wisely.”

What’s your nightmare, since November 8th?

Generally, you do NOT want to use distilled water for drinking purposes as it can leach electrolytes from your tissues in order to add them to the mineral free water you are drinking. This is necessary so that your body can function normally and eliminate waste.Stick with purified water that has had minerals added

It’s college they are both adults.

99% sure a dude would have just moved on. He barely touched her shoulder. He’s a dick and deserves to be called on it but let’s not act like he tripped her and gave her a wet willy for snubbing him instead of dickishly keeping his hand up and high fiving the air where her hand should have been and lightly catching

Yes he would of, maybe not the same action, would of probably been more of a pat or something. I remember one of the guys on my football team back in HS refused to shake hands with the opposing teams coach, the coach shoulder checked him right to the ground. Instead of getting mad at the other team/coach, we all

Ehhh maybe. I think it’s more likely that the conflict would have been much more heated had it been a dude.

By not giving her a little push then he would be treating her differently than a dude. I actually don’t mind this; don’t be a dick and bring up petty things from the past. You played a game, shake hands and move on. This had nothing to do with her, it was her sisters. (Still wouldn’t push a girl though myself.)

We do not build carriers to fight naval battles against China and Russia. We build carriers to project air power anywhere in the world, at any time, whether we have accessible air bases with mission permission or not. That is what carriers have been used for since World War II and will continue to be used for.

If you want to make more money, then you need to generate more revenue.

You say those things, and Golden State is 50-11, 7 games better than the Cavs, whilst playing in the west. I guess the mystique is gone, but they’ve still be way better than anyone else.

I know he won a Cy Young but I don’t feel like Peavy gets enough credit for his career. Dude has been, for the most part, solid to great over 15 years. Destined to be in the Hall of Very Good though and I think people will forget about him a few years after he retires.

It still doesn’t factor into the value of the computer.

Again, you’re welcome to buy a car and never put gas in it, and it won’t be useful in the least. You still can’t factor the gas into the value of the car, though.

Some people like hanging out with people they don’t always agree with. Stretches them a little. Gives them perspective. Exposes them to new ideas. Keeps them out of “echo chambers.”

Rich people are not entitled to safety or property rights.

To the average American having $2m worth of jewelry might be excessive but to much of the world owning a $3k computer is also excessive.

Per Gawker policy, the only way to be financially successful is to be an awful human being who will be up against the wall come the revolution. Nobody ever comes by money through honesty, talent, or hard work.

Good point, HamNo. I’m sure the criminals will pawn the jewelry for 100% of it’s value, retain a small amount of the cash for rent payments and daily needs, then donate the majority to the local teacher’s union.

I do. Grew up Catholic. Never really had a bad experience.