wrap it up

Hey c’mon now, you “purity police” types have to grow up and accept that if you want to win elections you’ve gotta stop pointing out the overwhelming corruption of the Dems’ party apparatus, the hypocrisy of its legislators, and the more or less total bankruptcy of its governing ideologies!

It’s amazing.

So I genuinely have a question about believing the victims. I believe the actress who came forth and all the ones who came before her to share their stories.

Should we talk about Monaco?

Except what if it was your loved one, and they were being accused in the press of rape? And you knew somehow that the allegations were false. Could you sit by and not defend them? I don’t think I could.

I’m having a hard time taking much of the vitriol being hurled at Dunham as a genuine reaction to her statement vs. it being the usual anti-Dunham respondents, no matter what the issue is. If I had a loved one accused of something that I knew they did not do, either because I was a witness, or, I had “insider

Why can’t we for once let an investigation take place, before we call someone a rapist in a he said/she said case?

I wouldn’t have a clue how to juggle men, so for that I was fascinated. I guess when you have all these guys around you that you are interested in/interested in you, did she give the guy she was with a real chance? Or did she take the attitude, ‘I got three more/two more on standby if you screw up?’

I thought the same. If a man had written this we’d accuse him of being obsessive, controlling, or lacking proper boundaries.

I had a friend who used to have several guys around her at all times. She dated one and flirted with one or two or more at the same time so that when she was done with the guy she was dating, she had a couple of guys to choose from as her next victim. I found it horrifying and fascinating at the same time.

I just checked her career stats, and you’re right, she was basically the definition of mid-pack. Her best average finish in NASCAR was 22nd for the season (24th for her career), which is just below the middle of the pack. I also saw that she has 1 win in her entire professional career of 380 races, which is not great,

Hundreds and hundreds of men that you can’t name or remember.

The real comparison would be Carter’s salary 25 years ago inflation-adjusted. Same job, same magazine, same company with similar work experience at the job.

Warren Sapp? Is that really you?

You have to be willing to hold a figurative gun to your employer’s head and you have to be ready to pull the trigger. If you aren’t then you aren’t really negotiating anything. Negotiation requires leverage. If you aren’t ready to walk out the door you have no leverage.

Of course, that would leave a bit of wiggle room for changes in print media and the magazine’s available funds and position.

Too late to edit, but I meant overpaying a woman in a media position is a refreshing kind of mistake for them to make.

Now taking bets on whether the author failed at basic reporting by not thinking to find appropriate points of comparison or by researching the comparison and then deciding to not include the findings because they countered rather than supported the narrative.

I’m not sure that works as a comparison--magazines are on terrible footing now compared to 25 years ago. If they are even paying her that much, they might be overpaying in this market. Though a woman in a media position is a refreshing kind of mistake for them to make.

I think comparing her salary to Graydon’s is a little absurd for the reasons you list in your last graph, and more. I think the better comparison is: How does her salary compare to other EICs at major mags with a similar amount of experience? Say, Michelle Lee at Allure? Or a comparable guy in that position (sorry, I