wrap it up

Automatically comparing every other case to Weinstein is not helpful.

Intersting, that you chose to edit Dunham’s statement:

That’s not a very popular narrative on jezebel. A woman keeping it casual with multiple men is called ‘strong’, ‘independant’, ‘badass’, ‘exploring her sexuality’. A guy on the other hand is ‘a dick’, ‘manipulative’, ‘gaslighting’ with severe ‘commitment issues’.

but one has to wonder why Dunham is now rushing to give her friend the benefit of the doubt. So, just because he said he didn’t do it, that’s all she needs to believe him? What happened to standing by all women?

I never said that she wasn’t deserving of a drive in NASCAR or Indycar racing in the first place, she just wasn’t worth all the money and media coverage she received. If I were another average male professional driver I’d be pissed. Oh and about her longevity in racing; she had a drive as long as team owners valued

You’re exactly right regarding your “If half of the race car drivers were women…” point. That’s what her presence could hopefully accomplish

I can’t fathom the kind of shit she had to deal with as opposed to her male counterparts.

What you describe as a problem was Patrick’s lottery ticket. If half of the race car drivers were women, she would not have stood out, either by her gender nor by her accomplishments. She would have been a rather anonymous middle of the pack driver with no sponsors and average income and probably would have been

Professional athletes don’t compete against grunts like me and you, they compete against other professional athletes. Compared to other professional drivers, DP has always been average, yet her status and income has been that of a champion. Despite all of that, she wouldn’t stop whining about how unfair the whole

No. Is she still incredibly talented

Do you think there will be a farewell post on blackflag for a dude retiring who had one win and one Daytona 500 pole in 300+ races in his career? There are literally dozens of average male race car drivers just like DP, but she’s the one who has gotten famous and rich and it’s not because of her racing prowess.

After years of being employed by top teams in both Indy Car racing and NASCAR, mediocre driver whose sole claim to fame and fortune (apart from her one win as a pro in well over 300 races) arose from the fact that she is the most prominent of a very small social group in professional racing finally realizes, that the

Hence the great success of the play The Penis Monologues world wide....err wait.

So, on her part, suggesting that the media would blow the album to pieces was an ‘imagination’ (no qualifiers about her statement, nor any suggestions about her intellectual capacity from you). On my part, claiming that only a certain subset of the public would call her album cultural appropriation was an

The writer assumes, that the album would be blown to pieces for cultural appropriation meaning that the media (plural) would do that to her and the album in today’s society. I disagree. So, no overstatement by me. You’re still too stupid to understand.

Using a fake ID is not covered by the 1st amendment.

The department received a tip that Fonesca had an outstanding felony warrant for possessing and using a fake I.D.

Ask the writer who wrote “which would get blown to pieces?... so no, it didn’t happen, I just picked up the writer’s premise and brought it to a logical conclusion. Too difficult for you to understand?

It’s been seven years since Liz Phair released an album (the unfortunate Funstyle, which would get blown to pieces these days for cultural appropriation by a few pretentious pop culture reporters and snowflakes on black twitter, while the rest of us would judge it on its musical merits)

The real comparison would be Carter’s salary 25 years ago inflation-adjusted. Same job, same magazine, same company with similar work experience at the job. Comparing her salary to Carter’s salary in 2017 is like comparing a rookie coach salary to that of an experienced multiple championship winning veteran coach in