
Hah! I found that first photo a while ago and turned it into a motivational poster. "Plan Ahead/ And dress accordingly." Hung it up on my wall to inspire underlings. That woman is clearly not ready to go diving after taking the picture.

I <3 Death.

I don't understand the gym shorts on Han. Han wouldn't go to gym class, he'd skip it.

You can't do the Kessel Run in under 12 Parsecs with a 70's Chevy Van. Besides, what's the first thing you think of when you see a Trans-Am in the 80's? Smuggler.

So.... did all the scientists and engineers die off as well? Or do the properties of steam, pressure, rotational forces and electromagnetic properties no longer apply?

Ever thought about starting a blog that would out celebrities as gearheads/racers? That way we can be all "That dude/chick is a douche/bitch, but he/she does know cars so he/she gets a bit of a pass." You can MS Paint oil stains all over their face.

Touring car has turns (right turns at that), is based on obtainable production cars and has lots and lots of crashes. Why is it hard to gain more popularity in the US?

Touring car has turns (right turns at that), is based on obtainable production cars and has lots and lots of crashes. Why do you think it isn't as popular in the US as it probably should be?

Any plans to do a special with Top Gear US? Maybe 24 Hours of LeMons?

What type of construction is required to get G-Fiber (new moniker) in your restaurant/neighborhood/etc?

Series III E-Type

If that's referencing the Clone Saga, then no. The Clone Saga should never be relevant.

It's the family name, nothing she could've done about. However, it may have originated from something her ancestors did....

He may have been. But average-looking is the keyword, not steroid induced freaks. Also, there was no mention of belts and pouches.

What exactly was Bane's accent? Did they redub Tom Hardy's voice with Sean Connery talking into a cup?

Yes! Someone finally gets it right. No more gay shit of men in tight gay shit outfit movies. Fuck that, we need manly movies again. Real ass men, like cowboys and shit. Bring back some fuckin cowboy movies.

I'm in the process of reading the article, but I'm sure the answer is pretty much same as to why people believe in reflexology and the likes.

Please people, for the sake of the children. Legalize marjiuana.

Ahh I apologize. I hope he didn't portray Young Tom Edison the way he did Mr. Yunioshi from Breakfast at Tiffany's. Otherwise, that would be awkward.

Are... are all Prius drivers like this? I mean, why am I being screwed? Why all the hate and anger? I never much cared for Prius drivers, it's your car your deal. I like my twisty roads and lateral Gs and you like saving gas. Leave me alone and I'll leave you alone. But now this article along with the lady going ape