
The real MVP, thanks for saving the rest of us!

So...Friendly’s is actually the only place that is giving away free ice cream. Everything else is either a discount or requires a purchase. There...that was a short and sweet article!

Along the same lines, be sure to spring for new feeding bottles, nipples, and pacifiers. The plastic material has likely gone through hell in the mouths of its previous owner and may have deteriorated due to repeated cleanings. It might go without saying, but the same goes for kids’ underwear too.

Hue bulbs also work really well! I keep them on red and the lowest brightness. It’s enough to see by, without waking baby up too much

updated on December 4, 2021 to meet Lifehacker style guidelines.


I wonder if perhaps they meant that you should hang it over the shower faucet? Because I agree, hanging over the shower rod seems like an odd place to let something drip dry

I suspect because if it gets to the point that a teen needs to uninstall it, the damage has likely already been done. I think the hope is to “shield” teens from this kind of bullying, as opposed to dealing with it afterward in therapy 😂

My wife and I use Google Keep. We keep an ever growing list of restaurants in a shared list with checkboxes...and then we take turns checking off 2 or 3 restaurants we definitely DON’T want to go to, until we get it narrowed down =)

Works every time!

I know mine have always been 1 year...but you can usually stretch it to 2....buy 1 years supply on the first day of the prescription...and then buy another year supply 1 day before the prescription expires =)

Yes, but when can Android users Facetime?!

They’re going to have to fix their interface before they can become a real contender to Netflix...I’ve tried using Amazon Video (I’m a regular Prime subscriber), but even though sometimes it has the same content as Netflix, I still ALWAYS go back to using Netflix because their interface is just SOO much better!

Google Fi offers $10/GB for “compatible” tablets and devices

I have windshield washer fluid for my windshield...why not just extend it’s purpose to also spraying onto the (protected) camera lens??

Why does every bloody website insist on using slideshows to show off information nowadays?? What happened to a good old list?!

WIDE, so wide...why is it so wide on Windows? Can I shrink it??

The BIGGEST program that carries crapware with it that I use Ninite for is Java...hands down, the worst installer. I can’t tell you how many computers I’ve had to remove that damn ASK toolbar from! =P

Can NOT survive without OneTab. I use it at work, when I go home for the day. At home when I have too many tabs open. The “Share as web page” is the killer feature for me! *Almost* makes up for lack of sync between browsers.

What do you consider “small”?? I work at a 25 employee company...too small for some of those perks you mentioned.