That’s right! You said it without saying it! That is more racist than saying it! So, now you think that being black is only about skin color? That we have no racial identity deeper than the surface? EVEN MORE RACIST!
I think the “failure” here is that you “failed” to realize that the comment is a satirical criticism of the types of comments people who are enslaved by racial over-identification make.
How like you to immediately imply that black men are rapists. Thanks, Trump.
Celebrities ARE commodities. Everything they do is about selling themselves. That is the life they have chosen. Period.
Ever think about how such a belief will never disappear in a land which set down its roots based entirely on exploitation of a native populace and years and years of slave labor? Wake the hell up. What do you think America is?
Fuck this. That phrase is exactly how slave masters justified exploiting black people in the earlier centuries. This black man has now helped a privileged, entitled white woman to understand just the tiniest bit of real history. Good for him. Do it again! White people should know what it means to have their privilege…
Yeah, because he’s not American. The rest of the world actually educates their children.
Just be honest, this looks WAY better than the original fresco.
Yeah, but, anyone with a freaking functional brain in their head knows that the only real Jesus is “Aryan Swedish-German-Dutch-Irish Jesus” as pictured on the far right. There’s no way Jesus’s lips were so big, nor did he have a goatee (both far left) and there is no way he was a Muslim (center). He was white as snow…
This phenomena is called “FUSION” (as opposed to differentiation) and it was most succintly identified by the Psychiatrist, Murray Bowen, as part of his Family Systems Theory. From his perspective, not healthy. Look it up peeps.
You can’t POSSIBLY expect me to take you, or your argument, seriously when you cite Mark Cuban and Bill Maher as evidence.
This was helpful.
That’s wxactly what I was wondering. I sent a Reply asking for hard evidence of all of the same.
I didn’t know about and have never heard any of these things. Do you have direct evidence for all of it? Please provide links. I am genuinely interested in reading information about this if, in fact, it is not just some creative theory but is supported by a cataloging of observed behaviors. Please provide!
Haha, that was super funny.
And how should they pay? By literally taking money away from American children-citizens’ educations and sending it to a family in Qatar who no longer has any emotional or literal investment in the United States? He left. Call it even and move on.
Your opening line is COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY WRONG. What the hell are you talking about? Ahmed’s experience is NOT the experience of most Muslims in the U.S. If it were, that experience would be normative and rather unremarkable. It is precisely because this kind of treatment does NOT happen regularly that it is worthy…
Yours is a foolish an uninformed comment and has nothing to do with the matter under discussion.
Not just Lebanon. There were 147 people killed in an attack by Islamist gunmen on a university in Kenya. Why is there no Kenyan flag overlay on Facebook profiles? Why no Lebanese flag overlay? Is it because Westerners imagine that “things like that happen all the time in those parts of the world, so, life is less…