
10/10, would recline in

I heard someone call the local sports radio show, the other day, campaigning (seriosly) for the Bills to hire Marv Levy as new head coach

There are many worse things here than the weather, trust me.

Haha! “Maybe but who knows” is always a safe bet, especially when dealing with musicians ;)

They could possibly, but not necessarily, be related. Sound checks are used to make sure all of the technical stuff (mics, monitors, speakers, cables, etc) are all working properly, so, a problem with her in-ears should have been caught during sound check.

Haha! Same here, drives me nuts!

I just assumed Mariah had too much bubbly before her performance...

I’m rather shocked at the general lack of coverage this attack has gotten. Maybe it’s just because it happened during NYE festivities, but, still... this deserves more

Lovely video. I clearly have a lot of tv/movies to catch up on...


OK, but...

Serious question: How many times do we have to use this meme before VW realizes we ACTUALLY want to buy something like this?

He’s not just fast, he accelerates to top speed in a mere blink! It’s unreal

NP, obv.

I’m really disappointed that I didn’t know this was a thing, until now.


I very nearly bought a ‘77 notchback in the early ‘90s. Kind of really sad I didn’t, but also really glad b/c it was already turning into a cloud of rust dust.

Could be worse...

Not sure which I’m lusting after more... the 2002 or the 240 wagon.

On avg about 3 hrs from where I was. The Boston folks were mostly weekenders. I remember 1-2 families where husband lived in Boston during the week/home on weekends, while wife/kids stayed in town.