We’ve lost a true American Hero. Thank you for being such a pioneer, Mr. Glenn.
We’ve lost a true American Hero. Thank you for being such a pioneer, Mr. Glenn.
With her budget she can get your $7500 Cayanne AND the $5k Type III, and still have money left over for repairs/mods
It’s like waiting weeks in line for the new iPhone 9, when everyone knows the slightly better 9s will be out in a few months.
Fair point, but it can certainly be argued that most automaker’s lack of profit has more to do with poor business management anything else. Lifting standards may increase short term profits, but I don’t see it solving any long term issues.
Ugh. Atmo, slashing EPA and MPG goals and standards will be nothing but bad for the auto industry.
Reluctant NP.
Came here to say this. #soconfused
I like this new world of Anyone Can Do Anything!
As depressing as it is that Prince is gone, this video will always make me happy
Did you even read the article? The answer was obv
Sorry, but CP
That clearly has the buckteeth of a hungover rabbit...
This. So much this.
Needs more donuts
I think Max would be perfect there
Good lord, that is fantastic!
While I think Ep3 has been the best, so far, I’m with Kristen in thinking that, so far, GT isn’t living up to the over-inflated hype.
They plan on manufacturing and distributing the H2, as well. Ambitious, but a good plan, if it works.
They are not related.